
Linda Lv

Ask @LindaLvs

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cc linda, kluar pkek make up gk? atau cuman pkek eyebrow n eyeliner?

Sunblock, eyebrow, eyeliner (if in the mood)

ce cuci muka pkek sabun apa? kok mukany bersih kle

Body shop aloe vera for sensitif skin nih krn kmrn smpt iritasi muka ku :( gk brsih2 amat msi ad spots kok

How would you describe your style?

Random.. depend on what occasion depend on my mood. But over all it needs to be comfy and let me feel confident.
Liked by: fendywuuu

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

Atleast do smething useful and productive? Lately I've not been doing anything due to long break, it feels so useless..
Liked by: ❥ yiithiingg

Ci tau gak sim bulan oktober masuk tanggal berapa?

Gak tau, ktnya sih blm d ksi tau dri pihak sim nya jgak sih..

Pendapat cc ttg dekat tp ga pcaran itu gimana?

Fine2 aja kok. Depend sma org yg jalanin nya, kan ad org yg gk pgn pcrn dlu, to get to know each other and stuff. Inti nya jgn smpe brlbihan batas, jgn smpe phpin org, dan jgn ksi hrpan palsu. Go with the feeling and securities aja ;)


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