
Linda Lv

Ask @LindaLvs

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What is your favorite thing in your room?

my comfy blanket and some christmas lights that sparks when I turnoff the light ♡

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

do something useful and make sure its not wasted. cause im a person who hate wasting time for nothing

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

make my parents proud,
travel around the world w/ ppl I love,
having an own harmonies and warmth fammies in my future, like now:')

kpn pun boyeh hahaha nnti eke free cici mlah sbuk hiks :'(

hiks lepas dr tgl 17 psti bisa hali2 ktmu :)

mau cari sih ci tpi cici kyak ny sibuk seharian :'(

mggu cici free kok, apa sih yg nggak buat adek :*

What do you think is the most enjoyable thing?

cuddle myself up on bed,watch my fav movie and ofcourse snacks all over around :')


Language: English