
Linda Lv

Ask @LindaLvs

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Pap wallet dong yg branded klo g branded jga gpp (im finding to give my gf present, ive no idea so i asked thaks and dont feel burden kay) di balesss ya makasi

prada, lv or ysl. kalo yg biasa pedro.

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desc cowo idaman

the one that can talk to you almost everything when evryone know he is a mysterious guy

cee boleh tanya ga. pke obat jerawat apa yang bagus? n yg cece pake? utk jerawta kecil aja sih, kdg lg kulit minyak suka muncul gt. n beli dimana ce? thankyou

ak ga pake obat jrwat. ak cman pake masker aja. innisfree yg hydralic acid for hydration. tiap pakai itu klo ad blemishes blg hilang sndri dono why.

Cwek cantik sombong wajar lahh,cwok jelek baik okelahhh,cwok jelek tp sombong god bless aja dehhh wkwkwkwk


lin cara ngilangin bekas jerawat pk apa y?

jgn d pencet aja? sring masker, stay out from sun, use sunblock, jgn makan kecap hitam gtu2 soalny ktnya buat bekas koreng item gtu.

lin cara buat makeup tahan lama gimana ya.. pake primer bisa tahan ya katanya?

yes. and compact powder touch up

C obat hlgin bekas yg recommend apa a tau biasa cc jerawat hlgin bekas pkk ala

ga pake. biasa aku masker aja

ci blh pap/merek scott matanya apa ga? uda scroll smpe bawah2 ga nemu. thankyouu

bsok yaaa hehe.

Lbh suka cowo humoris / romantis / biasa biasa aja

semua nya. haha yang bisa liat sikon how to act. and make girls happy.


Language: English