
Linda Lv

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kak apa pendapat kakak kalo murid SMP post2 foto ciuman sama pcarny?

itu urusan mreka sih. but hoping it didnt make a bad influence for underage ppl who saw it.

ci kok ga laku2 sih wadoh

doh stop asking me this ques.
i am happy with my situation right now. effortless happiness, pure joys, glad i made it by my own. right now, i jst want to be independent and responsible with myself.
maybe i will met the right one someday but its jst not today😁

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kalo jdi kakak, kakak bakal gmna?

i make friends with any one tbh, but if really i can't cope along and find them leading me to an asshole then i will step back to avoid drama and conflict. cause i myself hate drama and fake friendship.
but if im close and comfortable w my friend, and jst a lil insecure they made upon me, commonly i will jst tell em directly. i like it better that way. hehe
but most important, dont over think abt ur friend or how they treat u, sometimes is us ourselves who thinks neg and get sensitive.

i felt insecure with my surrounding, my friend full of drama and i think they dont really kind to me kak. tlg kak :((

sorry i dont really know how to help.
but if u really felt insecure with ur friend, then dont stick with em. Jaga jarak aj, to avoid conflict. but it doesn't mean hrus terang2an jauhin dan jlk2in ya. kalo yu jlk2in malah km yg fake and drama, d blkg jlk2in tpi d dpn act like nothing happen (that's munaf). Ya sbtas teman aja if u felt uncomfortable then okay jst be a not so close 'friend'.
and u said earlier they r not really kind to you, have u ask urself that are u sincere in making friends with em and be kind instead? if no then dont expect ppl to be kind too.
Liked by: Karitika Dewi

jikalau u ikut casting pun pasti ketrimaa lah jadi artis , cakepp , dewasa , imut , baikk dan sederhana :) produser mana yang bisa nolak ?

wduh berlebih non. makasih ya 😁
Liked by: Kevin Hendri

Biasa beli baju di mana aja ci? Bagus2 loh

olshop. liat following insta ku aj. ak bru ulang follow nyaris all olshop yg ak unfoll kmrn.
Liked by: Tiara Ayu


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