@MaryJane214#23 🇺🇸

Mary Jane

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City lights at night, yay or nay?

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Light pollution is why we here in Sacramento are no longer able to look up at night and see the Milky Way Galaxy. Considering we are now able to illuminate our world without bleaching the skies, we should. Seeing the edge of our galaxy helped me to feel connected with the universe, and it is sad that many readers will have no idea what I’m even talking about because they’ve never experienced the sight. The only way i was able to recognize that I am at all spiritual is that not being able to see the billions of stars, so thick in the sky they appear to be spilt milk, hurts my spirit. So, yes to night lights (I actually really like lights - a phenomenon we take for granted though science still doesn’t completely understand), but no to carelessly allowing light to seep in to the sky. By the way, we generate so much light an upper layer of our atmosphere glows slightly, and not from the Aurora Borealis, which is an entirely different shore.

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