@MaryJane214#21 🇺🇸

Mary Jane

Ask @MaryJane214

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Do you go to nightclubs?

Not so much anymore, I had my nights. I enjoyed having a few drinks and dancing to some good music.

My ex and I broke up about a month ago of being together for about 4 years. He broke up with me because of long distance relationship and he said he fell out of love with me. I bought him so much stuff over the 4 years of being together. Since we aren’t together should I demand all the stuff back?

You bought it for him, let it go girl.

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When you see someone adopt your speech patterns (phrases and go to words) does it pass you off or are you flattered?

Sometimes I find it funny to hear from someone else. It doesn't always sound right.

Do you use the anonymous feature or do you let it be known its really you? -BHonest

grismob_’s Profile PhotoBHonest
Let it be known. But.. not gonna lie, I've thrown a few anonymous ones out there.

Honestly, are you jealous or not?

Never the jealous type. Always let your confidence outshine those insecurities.


Language: English