
Mildred Mayorga Lara

Ask @MildredMayorgaLara

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Share the songs you are listening to at the moment.

Hmm so like a mix of Soanish and English A traves del Vaso and Summer bummer by Lana del Rey

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do you really believe you’re intelligent? why?

I do when I study and like do my tasks I realize like dang I am smart

For what you thing you never get old?

Wdym lol but I’ll try to answer I guess my handbag been two years. It won over my other bag that my ex bf gave me

When were you truly scared of smth? Tell in details

I guess I was scared when I tripped on acid and my ex bf then slapped me. I legit was not myself I was going through a manic episode I like called a girl out, I like thought my bf was a vampire. Really crazy but it didn’t end well tbh. Overall trio safely

I have seen things and done things I'm not proud of. What's your story?

Did something’s that might have been to extreme and ended up falling back. Broke up with my bf he goes back with his ex. (Kali Uchis Dead to me) however I like leaved more about me

Do you celebrate Christmas eester Halloween Valentine's New Year's thanksgiving and bithdays

I celebrate all I love Halloween most tbb

is there anyone that you want back in your life?

Not atm I do get flashbacks of a certain person but it don’t phase me no more tbh

What are you good at that nobody knows?

I guess on being able to hold in a harsh smoke and be able to breathe it out with no problem

What do you find to be the ugliest thing in the world?

I don’t find much things to be ugly unless they are like monsters


Language: English