Ask @Neo_gs

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Is it me or does that cat look a little bit like garage kitty? Maybe garage kitty came back all like reincarnated and stuff. Maybe it's true what they say - no one's ever truly gone...

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
The feral is a tortoise shell. Garage kitty was gray.
Liked by: casual fan

What cricket is to guys dance/dancing is to girls? They love dancing! And are born knowing how to dance, btw. At least this has been my experience. Um, what are your thoughts on this?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Replace cricket with:
NFL, MLB, NCAA Football/basketball
Liked by: Buster casual fan

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I had one 20+ yrs ago. About a 2 h drive. We used phone calls during the week and spent weekends together.
Now with new tech, people can use video calls. I think ultimately, for the relationship to continue (on a path to marriage), one of the parties will need to relocate.
Liked by: Tobbe

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You’re offered ten million dollars/euros etc, but you have to go live back in time by 10 years. You retain all current knowledge. Do you accept, and why or why not?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
This took a bit of contemplation to answer. As you are aware of my fascination with scifi time travel, too many scenarios played out.
Trying to determine the root of your Q, I made these assumptions:
Only my consciousness of now would go back into my body of 2014. There would not be 2 of me. The money is a net legal amount in my account.
I’ll take your offer. Especially since a decade ago a life change was forced onto me. I’ve not really rooted myself at my current location anyway. I’d lose out a few friendships, but my longest term ones would still be present. Would I be able to help my friends avoid some woes? Maybe. They might consider me a loon for “predicting the future.”
With my knowledge of the stock market, I could really make that money grow.
Attached is a pic of a recent example of stuff coming over the balcony above. Some plastic toys.

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Youre offered ten million dollarseuros etc but you have to go live back in time

Why do they say a woman's job is to look pretty and a cat's job is to look cute and adorable and a dog's job is to bark and bite people for no reason? If so, then what is a man's job? I heard a Neo's job is to answer a certain someone's questions. Is this true as well?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
A man’s job is to have loads of cash in his wallet for her to access
*looks around corner for @GlindaBells *
*wraps steel band around wallet as a deterrence*

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What’s stressing you out right now? You can tell me

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
Employment and the economy. I read articles about the industries my company sells to. Auto makers have been announcing layoffs. There are many industries who supply the auto sector…steel, plastics, rubber, glass just to name a few. The end of Q4 is usually slower as companies look to reduce inventory for the year end.
I prefer to be employed over being unemployed.

What strange thing does your neighbor do? Tell me a story

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
The residents 2 units above consider my patio area as dumping grounds. I attribute some of it to a small child, but I wonder if it also involves drunk adults.
Items which have landed on, near my patio:
Plastic ducks
Toy building blocks
Toy train
Adult ball cap
Women’s flip flops
BTW, I the folks have been feeding the mangy, feral cat. One day they assigned me to give it bread with butter spread.
What strange thing does your neighbor do Tell me a story

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Why the Arabian Nights so ribald and bawdy, lol! Have you read them (or listened to them), especially the early tales, the Francis Bacon edition?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Have not read it.

When you've been in the "talking phase" of dating, what approach did you take? Did you choose your words more carefully? 🗣️💞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I tend to keep my inner “wild child” in check. I prefer not to have much of a “talking phase” via text/e-communication. In person soon is much better.

What was the last bit of home decorating you did? 🖼️🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Decorating? A single man who lives alone…
A friend loaned me two nice patio chairs instead of paying for storage. That’s as close to decorating for me.
Liked by: Tobbe


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