Ask @Neo_gs

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Why would individuals make lies up that someone is really fat? :O curious about the psychology behind this. The rumor was about my beloved Sollux, poor little baby :o *waves* Hey everyone :)

Blood_Apocalypse’s Profile Photo♡ Sienna ♡
Some people want to harass others as some way for them to cope with the issues in their own lives.

Do you think the musical scenes from the Golden Age of Disney (Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, etc.) were inspired by more recent musicals like "Grease?" They seem a lot different from the musical scenes in earlier Disney movies, such as Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty.

It is just the changing of the times and what people find entertaining. This is why we don't have 50's era music playing as mainstream pop.
Liked by: Thomas

Related users To what extent do you think men and women are actually dimorphic in non-physical ways? That is to say, would the average man be just as feminine as the average woman if subjected to different social expectations, and vice versa?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
While a man might take on some more feminine characteristics if socially taught to do so, much of our masculinity comes from our testosterone. If young boys were taught to care for children, would we see a surge of men wanting to work as day care workers? I doubt it.
Liked by: CAustin Thomas

"Time is just a concept that humans created. A person can be old at 18, or young at 90." Do you agree with this quote? Why / why not?

hilolhibye’s Profile Photosarah suarez
Time happens whether we humans are around to observe it or not. We haven't created time, we have only quantified it.

What's the most unethical experiment that you would like to know the outcome of?

Blood_Apocalypse’s Profile Photo♡ Sienna ♡
Excluding something that would cause physical harm, it would be interesting to see the theory that women like jerks to be proven or disproven. Have men be somewhat mean to women and then have them be nice and see which gathers a more positive response.

Which gender spends the most time staring at their own reflection in the mirror? What do you see when you look in the mirror? BQ: Can you tell me something positive about life and what does gender have to do with it? Thanks! :)

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I'm going to say women since they will spend more time on personal grooming and make-up.
Liked by: Thomas

When will patriarchists finally get the message that they're losing the war against women and gays? It's time to throw in the towel guys! We're just too powerful for you. ;) :p

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I didn't realize "they" were at war against women and gays.
Liked by: Thomas

What, if anything, has the Men's Rights Movement done for men in 2014? 3 months left and have they done anything but disparage 3rd wave feminists this year? If so, link me with authoritative and credible sources please. Thanks! :)

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
They have shown the terror tactics that feminists like to use when someone challenges their opinion. Wasn't it feminists who threatened to harm anyone who attended the MRA conference in Detroit?
Liked by: Thomas

Why is 3rd wave feminism considered a cult by some anti-feminist detractors? What about 3rd wave feminism is cultist? Is feminism a religion? Are there any credible/legitimate examples of cultist behavior within 3rd wave feminism?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
What exactly is the goal of 3rd wave feminism? Women already have the same legal rights as men (and even more than men in some cases). Do they want revenge? Special treatment?
Cults tend to have extreme tactics which is what I see 3rd wave feminism doing. They keep bringing up the "gender pay gap" when we, in GS, have provided plenty of evidence to show that it is a myth. Why keep going on about it if not for "equal pay for lesser work?"
Liked by: Thomas I seriously wonder how people can go to the papers with stories like this. They must think the public would agree with them?? Why

This is ridiculous. Because of her poor life choices, she expects more tax payer's money to "fix" her problem. I think it was Thomas who commented about the price of nutritious foods being less expensive than junk/processed foods. This woman just chooses to eat junk because it is quick, convenient, and has an appealing taste. . May that brighten your day as it has mine. On that note, why does history so often celebrate individuals who turn out to be kind of rotten like Edison (Columbus, Galileo, etc.)? Should history have heroes?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
One person's view as a hero is another's view of a conqueror.
Liked by: CAustin What do you think of this song? It is basically about America's Imperialistic nature, for those who don't want to watch.

Dakota20’s Profile PhotoApoc
Imperialism has been prevalent throughout the history of the world. Any imperialism of the US is no different. In fact, I'd actually promote it in the "old fashioned" way. Why are we accepting the deaths of our military service members for no good reason? Look at Iraq and what is happening now. Why not have just said "Guess what world, we OWN southern Iraq now. If you don't like it, too bad."

How does money make the world go round?

hilolhibye’s Profile Photosarah suarez
Business, the economy, and culture relies on money to make that world go around. It takes accepted currencies to promote trade and economic growth.

(GWS flashback)- Why do blond men and women get? all the attention? Which blond gender out of the 2 gets the most attention in your experiences? BQ: On a scale of 1 to 10, how jealous are you of blonds? :p

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Isn't it blonde women who supposedly get more attention (but not necessarily blonde men). I'm not jealous of blondes since most of them are just bottle blondes
Liked by: Thomas

Do you think it is normal to want to punish evil doers, like Hitler? Personally, I hate that man and would gladly put a bullet in his head if I were born at a different time, possibly more. BQ: Do you think those who followed him also deserve death?

Dakota20’s Profile PhotoApoc
Those who desire to live in a society with rules and laws naturally want to punish those who commit evil acts. Those who followed him did receive death as handed out in the Nuremberg trials. Those who form alternate Nazi groups aren't necessarily evil doers until they commit evil acts. Having certain beliefs is not the same as actually acting upon those beliefs.

Do you think you could do a better job of running our country than our current president? If so, please list 3 things you could do to make our country better. Be realistic and don't pretend like you can just "change" things overnight.

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
There are a couple things which, if addressed, would make things much better. I actually posed this to a foreign woman working in the US and she noticed the same thing. First, taxes. I have two different options. Either their is a Fairtax (look up a book by Boortz). Instead of income/payroll taxes, we would all pay a national sales tax. Everyone would receive a monthly "pre-bate" check to cover the cost of tax on the essentials. This sort of tax would also cover taxes of illegal activities and "under the table" jobs in which they don't pay income taxes. The other tax option to consider is just a flat tax. Every dollar over some base amount (like $15000) is taxed at the same rate.
Another thing is the welfare type system. While there are those who need it, there is also considerable fraud as well. I'd increase penalties for those who are caught. Also, anyone who applies for any gov't assistance will be subject to random drug screenings (except for retirement social security, they earned it, they can get high if they want). I doesn't need to be every applicant. I can just be 1 out of 100.
The third item is the legalization of pot and prostitution. I think our justice system is flooded with people from these two things that don't need to be there. We spend many tax dollars pursing this. Let's legalize it, set up rules, and tax it.

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Liked by: Thomas

How many women do you think are willing to have cybersex with men who they like online? Have you ever done it? Are you male or female?

I'm sure some have done it. I've done it with a woman I was already with as it was not feasible at the time to arrange to be together.
Liked by: ♡ Sienna ♡

Mass Q: Do any other women have crushes on serial killers or evil men? I am obsessed with Elliot Rodger and Isei Sagawa (when he was younger he was cute, but now he's like 65).

Van der Sloot got married this year. I'm sure the woman was well aware of his record.
Liked by: ♡ Sienna ♡

Isn't making out kind of gross when you think about it? I mean, there's a 25% chance that person used to eat their buggers. Not to mention how many members of your own sex's genitals they may have wrapped their tongue around over the years.

I figure she has brushed her teeth and her mouth is clean.


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