Ask @Neo_gs

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hello...been occupied with work..just wanted everyone to know how much they are appreciated...sorry though for removing all my questions and if yours was one of them..

Don't worry, stalker kittteh is always watching
hellobeen occupied with workjust wanted everyone to know how much they are

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Would you say as an adult your parents are more of your friends now or are you still their *child*?

They are my parents and mentors. They are not my friends nor should they be

What do you think the biggest mistake parents make now (generalization) with their kids? What's the biggest disadvantage people face in parenting now?

Parents aren't letting their kids fail and acknowledging those failures. Winning is winning. Merely participating is not winning and kid's shouldn't receive a trophy for showing up.

Q3- What is the weirdest habit you have?

I don't like loose handles and will tighten them if I have my multitool.

You're driving around at 3 am and there's absolutely no traffic. You pull up to a red stoplight, and there's clearly no one else on the road. Do you run the light, or wait for it to change?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
I've done that. Also did it with stop signs (breeze through the intersection)
Liked by: CAustin

In your opinion, should husbands/fathers have a say in what kind of a birth plan (hospital/homebirth/ to take/not take pain relief/sedatives etc) their significant other decides to opt for? Should it solely be the mothers decision as she's the one who's going to go through the physical experience?

Men have no legal say about any of his genetic material that she carries. Thus, any male opinion is irrelevant.

Do you adhere to the national speed limit, or do you constantly have to insist that "speed is always better"? Does your country have a national speed limit, or is it just...?

There is no more national speed limit in the US. There was one mandated during the energy crisis of 73-74. This was ended in the mid 90's when the feds gave the states the right to set their own speed limits. I drive within 5 mph of the limit.’s Video 132967494018 RvV3nn_de2kNeo_gs’s Video 132967494018 RvV3nn_de2k

IYHO, What makes a person smart? Flippidity flip it, What makes a person dumb? Dah dum diddly doo dah?

There are book smarts and common sense smarts. I have met hard science Ph.D. candidates who were idiots. They were smart in their field but clueless about the world. I've met people with no college degree who were smarter than me with my "over education."
Liked by: scabs

Do you believe that influence & guidance of one's parents ends at 18? I know many people who don't care what their rents have to say once they're past legal ages. Personally I still take my parents opinion on a lot of things (not necessarily always follow through). An experienced perspective is nice

I still value the knowledge my parents can provide.

Afterthought- I don't believe depriving yourself is realistic or even smart. Life is short. Enjoy, eat what you want, & like everything else in moderation. My previous question was more about overindulgence and unhealthy diet.

Afterthought I dont believe depriving yourself is realistic or even smart Life

I just had a tough work out session and all I can think is pizza with extra cheese, quesadilla, cold stone milkshakes, creamy puddings...😣 How often do you give into your cravings? Do you even bother to eat a healthy diet?

You craved that before your exercise. I try to enjoy the unhealthy foods in moderation.

Is cuddling on the couch and watching TV together with your significant other counted as *quality time*? What if one of you is also using your phone😌

That counts. Being on the phone is distracting

If your cat was REALLY independent like mine is, it would have its own apartment by now

My cat is CEO of Purina

Cubs win. We're one step closer to the back to the future prediction made 30 years ago coming true. Thoughts? What is going on here? Is baseball being fixed so that the Cubs win? Or, is it just some wild, crazy co-incidence? Funnily enough, there's one animal I don't believe in, and it's called co-i

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
I hope they win

Are you guys watching the democratic presidential debate on cnn? Have you/will you? Watching it now. So many commercials..

I'll wait for highlights and avoid the commercials

What's the last photo you took on your phone? Post it!

I need to buy replacement heads and want to remember the correct model.
Whats the last photo you took on your phone Post it


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