
Nora May

Ask @NoraKitties

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Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

Continue with a rhyme: "From my window I can see…"

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
From my window I can see, the emptiness inside of me.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Continue with a rhyme From my window I can see

Which fairytale you’d like to live in?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
One with fairies and mermaids! If only they would exist!
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Which fairytale youd like to live in

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If you had a rival who was the inverted version of yourself, basically how Wario is to Mario, how'd they'd be like? What'd their name and appearance be? 😈

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Honestly, that would just be my mom. That one is easy.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
If you had a rival who was the inverted version of yourself basically how Wario

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
I can't remember! I haven't watched many funny videos lately. Mostly just relaxing ones.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
What YouTube video made you laugh recently

How great would you say that your imagination is? Have you ever had thoughts about fictional worlds, characters and such of your own? Like ones you could've potentially written about etc. yourself? 🌍📖💁‍♂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My imagination is pretty terrible. My head is too busy thinking about my business. As a child I had an amazing imaginations though!
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
How great would you say that your imagination is Have you ever had thoughts

How many "notifications" do you tend to have whenever you open up ask? Do you ever have any problems keeping up?❗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Between 50 and 100, it depends on how long it's been since I checked the app. I do struggle keeping up with it.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
How many notifications do you tend to have whenever you open up ask Do you ever

vind je ask nog leuk?

Sherwln’s Profile PhotoSherwin
Eerlijk? Nee, niet meer. Ik wordt gek van de bot accounts. Ook vind ik het belachelijk dat je moet betalen om met mensen te kunnen chatten. Alle updates gaan alleen nog maar om geld, maar de app verbeteren doen ze niet.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
vind je ask nog leuk

What is your favorite music band?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
I guess it would be Architects. But I rarely ever listen to music.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
What is your favorite music band

Say the floor literally turned into lava, how well do you think you'd navigate this new environment? 🔥

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not at all! I have terrible balancing skills. I would probably full straight into the lava the moment it turned into lava. 🤣
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Say the floor literally turned into lava how well do you think youd navigate

When do you know you need to break up with your boyfriend?

Karolienmg’s Profile PhotoKarolien
When you're no longer happy, when you no longer have feelings for them, when they disrespect you or when you both have different plans for the future.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
When do you know you need to break up with your boyfriend

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What's the most difficult choice one has to make?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
Whether to euthanize a loved one or not.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Whats the most difficult choice one has to make

Wanneer komt dit aan?

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
32 minuten geleden zegt ie. Op 22 september.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wanneer komt dit aan

Weetjes Woensdag (22/09) Anupta fobie is de angst om altijd single te blijven.

iRowanZ’s Profile PhotoRowan
Oh oké! Gelukkig geen last van. Helaas ken ik wel mensen die het wel hebben en daardoor met de verkeerde mannen thuis komt.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Weetjes Woensdag 2209 Anupta fobie is de angst om altijd single te blijven

Wanneer ben je voor het laatst uit eten gegaan? En waar was dat?

belsammael’s Profile PhotoMark
Yakumi heet het geloof ik. Dat was een paar maanden terug alweer. Heb last van een eetstoornis dus uit eten is nu even een no go.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wanneer ben je voor het laatst uit eten gegaan En waar was dat

Wat ga je doen?

Ik ben nu onderweg naar werk. Erna even wat shoppen. Daarna een vergadering. En daarna weer werken.
Sophie, één van mijn oppas katten.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat ga je doen

Goeiemorgen 🎉

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

Cappuccino of latte?

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Cappuccino of latte

Heb je nog iets leuks op de planning staan op korte termijn? Wat dan? 🥰

Vrijdag gaan we bbqen met vrienden. 😊
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Heb je nog iets leuks op de planning staan op korte termijn Wat dan

Hoevaak ga je naar het strand?

Eens per jaar, met geluk.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hoevaak ga je naar het strand

Hoe gaat het met jou❤

Het kan beter. Beetje ziekjes.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hoe gaat het met jou

Wat vinden anderen het mooiste aan jou?

Mijn liefde voor dieren, denk ik. Dat hoor ik het meest, in ieder geval.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat vinden anderen het mooiste aan jou

Wonen jullie nog thuis of hebben jullie je eigen plekje al?🏠

Ik woon al jaren in mijn eigen huisje, gelukkig.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wonen jullie nog thuis of hebben jullie je eigen plekje al

Dilemma Dinsdag (21/09) Elke 5 minuten moeten plassen OF de hele dag je plas ophouden

iRowanZ’s Profile PhotoRowan
De hele dag mijn plas inhouden. Ik doe al jaren niets anders. 🤣
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Dilemma Dinsdag 2109 Elke 5 minuten moeten plassen OF de hele dag je plas

Ik heb een vriend. Maar ik ben verliefd aan het worden op iemand anders. Wat moet ik doen?

Met je vriend praten en de situatie uitleggen. Is wel zo eerlijk naar hem toe.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Ik heb een vriend Maar ik ben verliefd aan het worden op iemand anders Wat moet


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