
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Best show/movie series you binge watched

Michael Taub
I binged watched Supernatural, Bobby’s World, Avatar The Last Airbender, and The Legend Od Korra. I was binge watching the original Power Rangers. Netflix got cut off though.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Since Covid do you feel yourself more depressed or more happy?

I actually feel how I’ve been feeling for a few years now. Relaxed and calm. I may feel a bit more calmer and relaxed I guess. I honestly have to thank God for that. Being that in the past I suffered from anxiety. I haven’t been feeling anxious. I guess because now I’m able to control my mental problems and learned how to cope as well. A younger me would’ve been panicking like crazy. I also know that freaking out isn’t going to make anything better. Life is still going on regardless. Me sitting up worrying about something that I can’t control isn’t doing anything but making me sick with all the worrying as well as keeping me from enjoying this life the best that I can. I went through all that crap as a kid all the way up to my little adult life. Way before this pandemic. I refuse to let that come back into my life again. A fearful mind means that I don’t trust God.

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What’s your skincare routine, if you have one at all?

I use Ambi black soap, and the cleansing bar for my face, but mostly I just drink a lot of water. For my body it’s dove soap mostly.
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Would you quit porn permanently or would you abstain from it temporarily?

I never joined porn. If I did. I will quit it permanently and hope no one would ever find out. Which they’re going to eventually. I have a rep. I don’t want to ruin it.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you have free space on your phone? How much?

I used 34.6 GB out of 250GB. There’s plenty of space on my phone. I most likely will never max it out, because I don’t download music on my phone, or do I have a ton of apps.
Liked by: † Twix †

Can someone tell me how to remove the period pain that causes over procrastinate and so much pain like I'm giving birth even though i am not sexualy active and don't have babies.

I knew a few females that had terrible period cramps. Some grew out of it, others said it went away when they started having kids. I’m not telling you to have a child though. It depends on how young you are also. When I was younger. I had cramps, but they wasn’t so terrible that I couldn’t deal with it though. I used to take Ibuprofen. Eventually it started making me feel nauseous, so I just deal with the cramps. Again mines wasn’t that bad, but it still annoyed me and it lasted a whole 24 hours. A high school nurse told me that my periods may get worse or get better as I get older. Man I prayed to Jesus that it wouldn’t get worse. I thank God to this day that it didn’t. I don’t cramp at all now. If I do, it’s so faint that I hardly notice it, and it goes away within a couple hours. I still have them poops though and I’m a pretty heavy bleeder. Messy! 😩😣

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