
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What is the best way to deal with stress in your opinion?

Try to avoid as much of it as possible. Stay around positive people, get lots of rest, and try to smile and laugh as much as you can. Even if it’s to yourself.
Liked by: † Twix †

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

The guy that played on silver spoons that actually bailed out a killer from jail. The murder who killed 2 peaceful protesters and injured one. If I was that guy. I’ll put a gun to my head and blow my brains out for freeing a murder who shouldn’t even got a bail in the first place and who should have two life sentences and another 30 years for killing those two people and injuring one. Murder and attempted murder charge as well as a charge for being underage and having a powerful weapon. Yes I’ll be that celebrity, and blow my brains out just because I let a killer loose and back on the streets. I hope he gets put away for the rest of his stupid life. Someone that feels no remorse for killing innocent people deserves to rot in prison.
Liked by: † Twix †

Pros/contras of covid?

EsIEmO’s Profile PhotoEsIEmO
Pros. I actually get to stay away from people. I actually don’t like crowds of people, so going to some stores and stuff and see their little folks there. It makes me very happy. My school gave me a laptop. I always needed one, but couldn’t afford it. I have more time with family and my hobbies and everything has slowed down. There’s not a lot of hustle and bustle. Government assistance, and bill assistance. I’m not ashamed about it either. Pride will not block my blessings. I still have my job and still can take my classes. Remotely.
Cons: Hearing about the spread and death rate. Others getting really ill and may have side effects down the road. Knowing that some are already having side effects. The stress and anxiety that’s putting on the doctors, nurses, and scientists. Seeing how selfish some idio— I mean people are who don’t want to protect others.
All I can say is. If you believe in God and have faith in him. You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about. God will protect and provide for his people. When one door closes. Another one opens. This is nothing new. This world has been through a lot of pandemics and plagues. Little to no one complained (especially lower middle, and poor people because they already knew how to survive.) and everything flourished after it was over. (Except for the poor and lower middle class people.) Everything will work out for the privileged. Unfortunately the poor will remain poor. If nothing works out. Can we really get mad? We deserve much worse. We’re all sinful, inconsiderate, selfish, hateful, and greedy people who hate God. By nature everyone does. So do we really deserve peace, happiness and good health? All of that is in Heaven anyway. Not here. It’s everyone’s choice to go there. Your next life is far more important than this temporary one that everyone has on this planet. Again how people want to spend eternity after leaving here is completely up to them. Nothing lasts forever and that includes this world. All things comes to a end eventually. So I also never understood why people are trying to hold on to this earth and astronomers are looking up in outer space trying to find another planet that can support life. Do they really think God is going to let us there? Another planet that us humans will just destroy. Nah we’re here to the end and the end is near.

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Liked by: † Twix †

post a song that pumps you up and gives you motivation to get work done.

I don’t really listen to music while cleaning or anything. I like to just sit and listen to it. I sleep off of some of it. Mostly gospel music soothes me to sleep. If it’s a song that I really like. I will sing, or rap to it, but I don’t really listen to it to get work done. It actually distracts me from getting work done.
Liked by: † Twix †


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