
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Many professors can't explain whether soul exists as such, and if it exists, then what is it and where is it located. Do you think there is soul and if so, where is it located?

Every human has a soul. It’s in your body. Your body is just a shell that can’t live without a soul, but your soul can live without a shell/body. It’s like a space suit. You can’t survive in outer space without it, but you can survive without it on earth. That suit is just a shell. Something you need in order to survive in outer space. Your body is a shell that you need in order to survive here on earth. Some people believe that ghosts are the souls of the dead. Personally I believe that once the soul leaves a body. It moves on from the earth. There’s no “human souls” that roams the earth. Most people don’t want to follow the Bible and or believe it, but the Bible is the first history book. It explains souls and the afterlife, but to each their own. I don’t follow half of what my teachers say, because of their notions about souls, the afterlife and anything else that may be Biblical to them. Some of the students can be oblivious to the situation as well, but it’s up to you and everyone else on if you believe it, or not. I can’t force anyone to believe, but I know I believe that all human beings has a soul.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Wendy’s Burger King, or McDonald’s

I’m not big on any restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, but if I was to choose a fast food joint. I’ll pick Wendy’s out of the three, because they have some really good salads.
Liked by: † Twix †

Have you ever had a friend who beg you to do something with her/him and she/him threaten not to be your friend anymore?

No and if I did. I wouldn’t want to be their friend anymore anyway. I allow no one to manipulates me. Most of the time them types of friends will force you to do something that can get you into trouble.
Liked by: † Twix †

What one thing would you do to change the world?

One person can’t change the world. Everyone has to participate in it and want to change their lives. No one can’t change another person if that other person doesn’t want to be changed. Like (man in the mirror) by Michael Jackson. People need to look at themselves and want to change their lives.
Liked by: † Twix †


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