
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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If you became a collector what would you collect?

Michael Taub
I’m already a collector. A game collector. It’s still small, because I only collect games I know I will play, so my collection is pretty tamed at the moment, but it is slowly growing.
Liked by: † Twix †

I see women as people who do not care about any thing and do not want any thing. Are women not interested in me because I am over 16 ? I am male. #disgusted

Funny. I feel the same way about males. If it’s meant to be. Then it will be. I’m not going to worry about it. You shouldn’t either. You have plenty of time for girls. You’re still young.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Tell us something you did that you're ashamed of?

Being a reckless teenager and young adult. I’m glad I grew out of that, before I ended up dead or in prison, or both.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is the most interesting aspect of life in your opinion, I’m talking broad like you can go as deep as a specific science or just simple life things

Just thankful to God that my parents allowed me to be born despite what the doctor had said.
Liked by: † Twix †

If you could spend an expense-free and care-free day with anyone living or dead who would it be, and what would you do?

Curly Howard from the Three Stooges. I don’t know what we’re do. I’ll let him figure that out. 🥰

How old were you when you started watching 15+ tv shows. I was 15

Probably like 10 or 11. Maybe younger. I don’t remember. I was (still is) not a big TV watcher.
Liked by: † Twix †

Is age 11 too young for grey’s anatomy tv show? I watched it with my mom when I was 11

I know nothing about that show, so I don’t know. My nephew used to watch (probably still do) Two broke girls at like 9 years old. I find that show too adult like for a 9 year old, but his parents didn’t say anything. So yeah.
Liked by: † Twix †

Did you watch the Black Panther movie with actor Chadwick Boseman? 😔

I watched some of it, but fell asleep. I’m not big on superhero movies. I wouldn’t’ have known who he was if people wasn’t posting about him. I don’t follow celebrities. Most of them are so corrupted that it’s not even funny. Not saying that he was, just saying I don’t follow celebrity news and gossip.
Liked by: † Twix †


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