
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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How do you spend your quarantine

Krissy Kitten
Like I always did. Play video games, watch YouTube, Netflix and all the other apps that has movies and TV shows on em, listen to music, and I go for walks. I don’t think we’re in high quarantine in my city. I saw a few kids playing basketball in the playground. Not may though. It was like four kids in there, but the playground was open.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

Being born is one. My parents were pretty much up in age when they had me. They wasn’t planning on having any more children after my brother. But my mom got pregnant with me. Her being kinda up in age, the doctor suggested her to have an abortion, because I may be born with a mental or physical disability, and or she may die giving birth to me. My mom refused to listen to him. She and my dad don’t believe in abortions. She had a good pregnancy, and child birth. She did catch the flu after I was born, but that’s it. I obviously had no mental or physical issues. I’m just glad they didn’t listen to the doctor, and I got to live. I deserve to be here just as much as anyone else. Disability or not.
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What is your go to comfort food?

I only have comfort video games. I don’t even have a appetite for food if I’m upset. Honestly I hate eating period. I’m a very picky eater. If I didn’t have to eat. I wouldn’t.

If you could live on another planet, which would you choose?

I’m not big on astronomy and or the planets and what’s going on in outer space. But Jupiter is a planet that is my favorite. And since we humans will never be on another planet to be able to actually live on it. (Even though these idiot scientists says we could one day. Yeah whatever. God put us here. So we’ll be here until the end of times.) Maybe God himself will locate us on another planet. (Which I doubt.) We’re stuck here on earth.
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Just a random thought when i saw a female in her early forties without kids and thought that if she wanted kids she probably feels a lot more pressure than a man in his early forties who wants kids if they were both single.

Yeah she may feel pressured. If she wants kids. Women in their 30s feel pressured, because people always say you should start having them in your 20s. Manly because as you get older, your patience with children shortens. And people also say you’ll be dead by the time your child hit 20 and you will go though some serious health issues because of your age. Janet Jackson had her first child in her 50s. She got criticized because of her age and why she waited so long. Is that child even hers?, and it’s a test tube baby. She didn’t conceive that baby naturally. So on and so forth. I always say, it wasn’t meant for you to have a child if you never have them. I know some men too that has no kids and feel pressured into having them as well. I know some that died and had no kids. It just wasn’t meant for some people to have kids. Some people go against it too and when they have kids. They go though some terrible things. Mental things and physical things.

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+1 answer in: “Do you think more women settle for men than vice versa because one has a biologic clock and the other doesn't?”

Are you addicted to shopping?

Alihan Alihanrin
I had a shopping binge a while ago. Like a retail therapy moment. All I could think of is spend money. Which is never a good thing. I put myself on a punishment for two years. I bought nothing that I didn’t need. Now my shopping binge has calmed down.
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I like to watch women wrestle. Anyone else here that does?

I prefer men when I did watch wrestling. I mean the women are cool, but to me the men are better. Maybe because I’m a female and rather watch men than women.

How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

I don’t have any crushes. I haven’t had any crushes since elementary school.
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What are you regretting the most?

I’m not regretting anything. No one should have regrets. The past is the past and you can’t change it. All you can do is move on, and God for forgiveness, and try not to make those mistakes again.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you think more women settle for men than vice versa because one has a biologic clock and the other doesn't?

Both has a biological clock. Men become less interested in sex as they age. They tire quicker, and can’t preform like they used to. Women won’t be able to get pregnant at a certain age though and also lose interest in sex, but I say most women do want to find that Mr. Right before they’re not able to have a family. Others just screw anyone just to get a baby. Most guys fall for it, because they’re only thinking about the moment and not the consequences behind it. I feel more men are interested in a woman than a woman is. Because sex is always on their minds. If they don’t get it from a woman. They may start screwing each other.
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Coke or Pepsi?

I’m not a fan of soft drinks. Especially colored drinks. But when I did drink pops/sodas. It was mostly Sprite. I wouldn’t say I was a fan of Coke, but I would choose Coke over Pepsi.
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What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities?

I have multiple personalities. I’m quite, shy, but vocal, mean, but nice, loner, but enjoy being around my family, and selfless, but can get selfish.
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If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

Alihan Alihanrin
Past, and warn some people about certain things. But then that might jack up the future. Have you seen the movie the butterfly effect? Hmm I really would like to prevent someone from dying, but he may die in a different way if it’s supposed to happen.
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