
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What's the wierdest thing you've found at a garage sale or thrift shop?

I never went to a garage sale and I only been to a thrift shop probably 6 times my entire life. I don’t remember seeing anything weird in there.
Liked by: † Twix †

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PAP of your dream car!

I can’t choose between a Bentley and a Rolls Royce. I choose the Rolls Royce Phantom here in this picture. My dream car is also the Bentley.
PAP of your dream car
Liked by: † Twix †


Oh those people are ignorant and it’s not worth arguing with them. I’ve had my share of those people. The Bible calls them fools. They believe their lies. Them type of people are always miserable too and wonder why things are like they are. Maybe because they’ve gotten rid of God. Most people are butt hurt about God, because of a failed prayer. Others just want to do what they want to do and don’t want to obey God. So they make up these notions that God don’t exist so they don’t have to answer to anyone when they die. Cursing God will just lead to their own demise. There’s no such thing as being neutral. Either you worship God, or the Devil. The Devil is sitting back laughing at them. He knows his time is winding down and he want to take as many souls as he can to Hell with him. All I can say is that there is nothing with spreading the word of God. When people don’t want to listen. You move on from them and find someone who’s willing to listen. God will not hold you responsible for speaking his word to those who choose not to listen. He will now hold them accountable for their actions. You did your part and they refuse to listen. Now it’s on their head. So don’t worry.

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Liked by: † Twix †
+2 answers in: “Hey if anyone has pinterest log in and help Speed Racer know the truth about God and the bible help him out.”

Have you ever entered giveaway and you never win?

I have losing streaks with big giveaways. I’ve won random giveaways on Reddit for 3DS themes. That’s it. I honestly never won big giveaways.
Liked by: † Twix †


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