
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Were it not for you that you do not want to speak, I would have told you the verses that speak of his prophethood.

محمد جمال (Mhammad Gamal)
I GAVE YOU PROOF!!! WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED??? Why waste my time on someone who doesn’t want to listen? You got the information that states he is Lord, but you’re still stating I gave you no information, so again why waste my time posting verse by verse, if you’re ignoring the links that has the verses anyway? I don’t know what bible you read from, but I read from the The King James Version Holy Bible, and no where in it states that he was a prophet. And I quote John 14:6 (KJV): “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” That’s obviously a light dinging up on top of my head. If I can’t speak to God unless I speak to Jesus first it’s because Jesus is Lord. There’s tons of others WHICH I GAVE YOU A LINK TO IN THE PREVIOUS COMMENT THAT HAS VERSES FROM MY BIBLE THAT PROVES THAT JESUS IS GOD IN THE FLESH. I’m not a preacher. I’m not going to preach my Bible to you. That’s not my place to, also because you obviously don’t want to listen, by how you’re ignoring the proof I showed you in the first place. Which also have the Bible versus in them, I will show links that has Bible verses in them. Sometimes I go in the Bible and get some verses, but this one has too many proofs, so I found a link with most of the verses. WHICH I DID! I don’t want to see where you got your “proof” from that supposedly “stated” he was some prophet. If it’s from the Holy Bible. You’re obviously quoting it wrong. Again they called Jesus blasphemous back then too. I’m not going to go back and forth with someone with blinds over their faces. You can believe in whatever you want to believe in.

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Liked by: † Twix †
+4 answers in: “Are there Christians who believe in Christ as a prophet?”

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How would you handle a friend backstabbing you and slandering your reputation?

Well I don’t have friends because of that reason. I don’t need drama in my life. I let them talk and run their mouth all they want. If others want to believe them without talking to me as well are idiots too and they deserve each other.
Liked by: † Twix †

So bring me from the Bible. Where Jesus said I am God? Where did Christ say I am God, who appears in the flesh? Where did Christ ask for worship? Where did Christ say I am God the Son? Where did Christ say, I am the second hypostasis?

Again do your own research. I had to. If you really wanted to know, you’ll do your own research. I’m not going to list “40,000” passages in the Bible that obviously says that Jesus is Lord. If you can read and put two and two together. You’ll see it. Read what I posted early and read this. There’s no where in the Bible that says he was just a messenger from God/prophet. People called him blasphemous back then too, so it doesn’t surprise me that people still do. There’s no proof that God created heaven and earth, but I know it’s true because nothing can create itself. Someone with intelligence had to create all of this. Christ followers are taught to walk by faith. Not by sight.
Liked by: † Twix †
+4 answers in: “Are there Christians who believe in Christ as a prophet?”

What to do if you like someone but that person only talks to you asking for homework?

I will feel that they obviously isn’t interested in me in that way. If they were. They would ask me out.
Liked by: † Twix †


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