
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Simpsons or Family Guy?

I used to prefer The Simpsons back in the day, but I watched some of the newer shows and it's not as good as it used to be, so I switched to Family Guy. Now I don't really care for that show neither. It could be because I just grew up and out of their type of humor. It's not funny anymore to me. I haven't went back to The Simpsons yet though.
Liked by: † Twix †

Should a cheater be forgiven?

Forgiven yes, but the person they cheated on should never forget though, because the cheater will take advantage of it, and do it again.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Should prisoners have more rights?🤔

I feel they have enough. Federal pin inmates can have cell phones. Some female prisons even allow a selected few pregnant women to rise their child in prison until they're a year old I believe, so I say prisons give these inmates some really decent rights.
Liked by: Marian † Twix †
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What do you look for in a partner?

Reliable, trustworthy, friendly, down to earth, and outgoing. Pretty much how I want my man to be. I guess my man can be my partner too, but I don't like to call him that. Partner to me is like a person you have to work with, and or are forced to work with, so it sounds a bit demeaning to me. I'm not forced, nor do I have to be with him, so I don't label him as my partner.
Liked by: Marian † Twix †

You discover an island and decide to build your own society. What is the first rule you put into place?

The first rules that's in the constitution' bill of rights. "Freedom of speech", "Freedom of religion", "Rights to the press", "The right to assemble peacefully", and "the right to petition the government".
Liked by: † Twix †

1:22 am Day 5 of Quarantine Can't Sleep, An Over Thinker Out Here. How are yall adjusting !

Where I live, there's no high quarantine. We are told to stay in if we're sick, or feel like we're coming down with something unless we're going to seek medical attention. My mayor also mentioned if we go out and is sick, there will be consequences. Grocery stores and any other store that are a store that are relevant stores are open, but they close early. There's no people going to bars, libraries, and other places that can have high human traffic. They're close, but it doesn't bother me. I needed a break from school and I'm a homebody person anyway. I'm doing my classes online now and I still go outside in my backyard to play a little basketball with the family and I do still have to go out for personal reasons, but I'm fine. Hopefully this will make everyone slow down to enjoy life, appreciate and enjoy family.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Are you the type of person who would spend time in the company of a stranger with pleasure, drinking cappuccinos and telling each other stories from life? :) ☕☕

No. I'm a loner and don't like to be around people. Unless they're family. I have no friends.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you have a face shield? #StayAtASK

No, what is that? Are you talking about a face mask? No I'm not using one. I do wrap my mouth and nose up with my scarf when I go out. Eventually it's going to get too hot for a scarf though, but it's not recommended to wear one. Just stay away from people. All people and wash your hands. That's one of the reasons I don't like people. Everyone are just one big giant petri dish. Full of germs and bacteria. People are the nastiest thing on earth.
Liked by: † Twix †

Who else is in quarantine/what have you been doing to keep yourself busy during the day?

We're not exactly on lock down. Stores are closing early and other businesses that are not a must go place are closing altogether, but we can leave the house as long as we make sure to wash our hands after returning home and not touch our face. We also can't leave the house if we're sick or feel like we're coming down with something unless we're going to get medical assistant. I was at Wal-Mart and GameStop earlier. I bought a new game. I cleaned down everything after coming home though.
Liked by: † Twix †


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