
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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in your opinion, what should a man be like?

Sweet, gentle, a good listener, and a good talker, jokester, passionate, treat his girl like a queen, fights for his girl, loyal, compassionate, some what forceful, take charge, and knows the littlest things you like.
Liked by: † Twix †

More ideas to get unbored 🤔 I tried riding my bike but tire was flat... I replaced the tube w one I had lying around, filled it up and it popped ☹️ out of ideas 😂 what’s my next move 🧐

Sebastian Rausch
Skateboarding, rollerblading, or playing basketball.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Why do guys think its okay for them to go to the extent for someone they like, but the girl made it clear that they dont like them? Are you seriously not sensing it in your brain or are you that desperate?

I like guys that chase me even after I turned them down. I always say if he really want me, he'll go after me. Some probably think that you'll playing hard to get. Probably why they keep at it. Guys suppose to be the chaser. If you really don't want him. Tell him that you really don't want him. Most let up. Some keep fighting. (Which is rare.) Me personally, I love a good chase. Rather I like him or not. I like to see how far they will go.
Liked by: † Twix †

how do you like to spend your time? where do you go, what do you do?

I like to spend my time by myself. Being quiet, playing my game, and watching YouTube, or Netflix.
Liked by: † Twix †

If someone will massage you what kind of massage do you like?? I prefer giving a japanese massage. 😉

I don't like random people touching me. So I'm not really down with massages.
Liked by: † Twix †

It's not even Halloween yet and I'm already seeing Christmas stuff for sale. What's your favourite time of the year?

I don't see any Christmas stuff for sale. I see a lot of Easter stuff for sale. My favorite time of year is Christmas.
Liked by: † Twix †

What do you miss, but would like to have at your home? 🏘

I can't think of anything. I guess I'm happy with what I have. It could be worse.
Liked by: † Twix †

I just wanna cry. I can't take it anymore. All my life I've been used by guys. They all tell me how special I am and how I'm the best but when soon leave me for someone else or cheat on someone else with me. I hate life. I just want to commit sometimes. I don't know what to do anymore.😖

Don't hurt yourself. Especially not over some stupid dudes. Most boys say those things to just sleep with you. A true man will respect you, and treat you like the diamond you are. Dumb guys will tell you what you want to hear. Don't fall for it. When you know you are beautiful, sweet, special, intelligent, and strong. Their words won't mean anything to you because you already know that. What they do for you, and how they fight for you is proof when they love you. If they give up too easily. That's proof that they don't want nothing from you but sex. Real men fight, and chase after their women. Defend, and protect their women. Treat their women like queens. These little boys don't know life, and only think between their legs. Get a man that thinks with his brain. A God fearing man who will treat you life a ruby. They're out there, but it's about patients. You can't rush love. Don't mess with these little boys, and wait on your real man.

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What’s your usual excuse for skipping doing sports?

I never skip sports if it's nice outside unless I'm sick, or just don't feel like it.
Liked by: † Twix †


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