
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?

I don't think any of my teachers has done anything crazy. They never did it when I was their student.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why did she give me a weird look when i looked at her?,she hasn't even talked to me yet,I was just looking at her,and caught her looking at me(btw im an above average looking guy)

Most women don't care about a guys looks. Like how cute he may be. It's about his attitude, the way he walk, talk, and dresses. Also his personality, his self respect, and how he percent himself. She probably saw something in you that turned her off. Also some women don't like to be stared at. It was a girl I saw who actually cursed out a guy for staring at her. Maybe she thought the guy was judging her. The guy also was a hood rat. A no good type of guy by the way he presented himself. And she saw that, and judged him. Maybe that girl felt the same thing about you. Because she was probably judging you. Sometimes women do when they're staring at people. They're most likely judging that person. That persons character. They forget that men are visual, and may not be judging you. And could simply be staring because they like you. You could've walked towards her, and introduced yourself. If she still act funny towards you. Maybe she has someone, not interested in you, or is playing hard to get. She also could've thought maybe you're too old, or too young for her. It could've been alot of reasons why she looked at you bogus. Just ask her why. Conversation is everything.

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How many hours do you sleep at night?

When I actually go to sleep at night, and not during the day. I sleep for the max of eight hours.

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Is it a fault being shy?

My mom used to say that it's ugly. If she say it is. Then it is. Then when you think about it. It is pretty ugly. Someone that is shy usually are the ones that are wild. And the ones that are actually shy, needs to stop. It's not cute.

what makes a guy hot?

For me is when he respects me, help me with my chair, opens the door for me. Just being a gentleman. Beauty is only skin deep. It's personality that makes a man hot. A God fearing, positive, independent, and strong man. Who will take charge, treat me like a lady, love me, cherish me, and want me, and only me. I also have to do my part too. Respect myself. Keep him happy. Respect him, love him, and be his little sub.
Liked by: † Twix †

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

It's not easy to forgive. But it's a thing everyone has to do. Regardless of the situation. But you never have to forget. If you forget, that situation just might happen again. So forgive, but don't let your guard down.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you think your parents picked the right first name for you?

My parents didn't give me my name. My now deceased sister gave me my name. It's just spelled completely wrong. That's the idiot nurse fault on that. I was raised to spell it the right way, and I hate that it's spelled wrong on my state ID, and Social security card, and all that. I like my first name. It's the perfect birth name for me. I only want it spelled with that one letter removed from my name.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

Truly living is being free. Not afraid of failure. Doing what's right, and best, and having fun all at the same time. Some folks live reckless. And they call that "truly living". No that's reckless living. Just being alive on this earth is just living. But in actuality, we're all dead. Because we're stuck on this earth where it's pain, heartache, and sickness. We leave this earth, and there's a much better place waiting for us. But it's up to you if you want to go there. I feel that when you get to heaven, that's truly living. Because the life down on this earth can't be the last thing we see when we die. How depressing would that be. This earth is passing away. This earth is dying. So this earth is fake, and everyone in it as well. Everything gotta come to a end. When the saints get to heaven. That right there will be some true living. Even when the wicked goes to hell. Sad how that's now their forever home. Burning for eternity. Sadly that's truly living as well. A unfortunate way of living. Better safe than sorry. My life, my car, my house, and my soul all have insurance. Make sure your soul has insurance. That's the most important insurance.

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Language: English