
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What do you think of cutters

You talking about people who slashes? I believe that they need help. Self harm is not good at all. Spiritual support, and family support are really good resources.
Liked by: † Twix †

Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved one?

All my loved ones live in my native land. So it wouldn't be a reason to leave. Now going to another city is different. I can easily pack up, and leave for another city.
Liked by: † Twix †

Is pole dancing class really exercise or just attention seeking? A coworker invited me to try it but I'm undecided. Worth a try or no?

Dyekon Rad-Isch
I feel that it can be a good workout for your arms, and legs. Dancing period is a pretty good work out. But me personally. I will only do certain dances only in front of my man. Pole dancing is one of them. I feel it's not the type of dance that should be shared publicly for every man to see with lust filled eyes, and then they call you all types of names at the end of the day. Pole dancing is a dance that can be learned at home as well. People mostly pole dance for attention seeking purposes only. Then there's people that only do it to spice things up in the bed room. I feel if you're not doing it for your man. Than don't do it. There's other dance classes that can give you more of a workout than pole dancing. Hip hop dancing, and marinate dancing are two of many good workouts. But it's completely up to you. I myself will never do it unless it's for my man.

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What’s the difference between love at first sight and lust?

Being that I don't really believe in love at first sight. It's hard to put that in words. But I do believe in lust at first sight. Lust is just a polite way of saying you're a perv. The only thing you see is that person look good I want to have sex with them. Love is I want to protect them. Comfort them, be there for them. Make them happy. Cuddle, laugh, then play. Or in other words have sex. Sex is only for pleasure now. It's not love felt. This world is not spinning on it's axis. So when it comes to love now. God is the only one that truly loves me.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English