
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Many professors can't explain whether soul exists as such, and if it exists, then what is it and where is it located. Do you think there is soul and if so, where is it located?

Souls are a part of your body. Yes souls exist. The body cannot live without the soul. There's no specific place that it is located in your body. I always say that you can see a soul leave someone when they're once twinkling eyes turns dull. That's only my saying. Maybe others says that too. I'm not saying it's in your eyes, your head or your heart. I'm just saying that you can see it leave by watching a person eyes who is dying. How it changes from sparkling to dull. Souls can of course live without the body. Souls are life, and life are souls. Souls is what keeps us on this earth. I can go on, and on, but I'll run out of room on this thing. But it's up to you if you want to believe it or not.
This article explains what I want to say but can't because of limitations on this thing.

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Liked by: † Twix †

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How many exes u got ?

I don't have any. I don't consider my childhood boyfriends as ex's because childhood boyfriends aren't "real" boyfriends. They're just hormone raging kids.

Do you have any acquaintances who suffer from bad luck and with whom you don't want to communicate because of this? Share some stories.

I don't believe in bad, nor good luck. People that have bad days, and complain about it all the time instead of praying about it, Is the ones I don't like to be around, because they're bad, and negative mood brings your positive mood down. Misery loves company. If someone is having a bad streak, but keep a level head, and a positive attitude. I don't mind being around them. Because eventually everything works out for them. All because they stayed positive, and didn't complain, and whine all the time. They might've had their moments when they would cry. But they never let what they were going through effect their lives. Keep your head up, and smile through the tough times. Don't complain. Pray, and keep pushing forward.
Liked by: † Twix †

What 3 words are better than "I love you"?

God loves you. God is love. Jesus is love, and Jesus loves you. What ever how you want to say it. Also Jesus is king. Those are way better than "I love you." Because people can say they love you, and don't prove that they do. But God says he loves you, and proves it. His son Jesus loves us so much that he died for or sins. He could've simply said no. But don't worry. He has risen, and is on his way back. Try to fight him if you can when he return, and watch how painfully you'll lose. Watch how many people will have Jesus back, and watch how you, and every other Christophobic get destroyed. Also watch after all that is done. How we worship our king, and live a long happy, and prosperous new life. Oh well you won't be able to see that. You'll be in hell with the Devil himself, burning for eternity. Jesus has won, Jesus won now, and Jesus will win in the future. Sin might've won the battle, but it hasn't won the war. Jesus will win that. #JesusWins #SinIsSin #Jesus IsLove

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Liked by: † Twix †

did u hear that mom Jay-Z publicly announced non-traditional orientation?

No. I don't follow Jay-Z, his personal life, or what his people say. I bearly listen to his songs. I also don't know what this "non-traditional orientation" even means. I don't follow the world.
Liked by: † Twix †

Did u see the participants of the new show of Victoria's Secret?

No I bearly watch TV. YouTube, and Netflix are my TV. But when I do occasionally watch TV. I don't be interested in modeling/runway type shows.
Liked by: † Twix †

What's your biggest style fail?

Don't have any. But there's some big style fails that's out there. Pretty sad, especially when they think it looks good.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English