
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What's a silly thing that used to scare you as a kid?

A movie called candyman used to scare me when I was a kid. That's all I can remember. That movie is not scary at all now. No scary movies are.
Liked by: † Twix †

Who's famous for the wrong reasons?

It's alot of people who are famous for the wrong reasons. Miley Cyrus for one, Katy Perry, or how ever you spell her name. The list goes on, and on.
Liked by: † Twix †

Are you going to watch the movie "It"? If you've already seen it, how did you like it?

Probably when it comes out on Netflix. The original was okay. Scary movies aren't scary to me anymore. I'm more into paranormal movies, than fake killers type movies. The reason is that paranormal movies are real. Well the movies aren't most of the time. But that stuff happens in real life. Well clown killers has happened for real too. But the unknown that can harm you mentally, and physically is very educational. And knowing that Demons are real, and you have to be covered by the blood, and not be afraid. Alot of people say that that stuff isn't real, because they're afraid of the unknown, and wants to put a blindfold over their eyes. But if you give them a haunted/possessed doll. They will not stay all night with it, nor will they stay all night in a haunted place. Proof that evil exist. Just like Good exist. Satan Vs. God. #GodWins

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What genre of music do you prefer? Share your favorite track)

I like mostly old school music. Like R&B, Pop, Soul, Funk, Hip Hop, and Rap. I also like Gospel. I don't have a favorite track. It's so many tracks that I like from those different genre of music.
Liked by: † Twix †

Would you rather have a boyfriend/ girlfriend for life or a best friend for life?

I want a HUSBAND for life. Not a freaking boyfriend. 😒 My husband is my best friend. God is the bestest friend of all. So it's impossible to choose between the two. Because your best friend is your husband/wife, family, and most importantly, God. Boyfriend/girlfriend is teenage crap. Adults date, and seek marriage. Well some do anyway. Sadly all don't do it. Most just looking for pleasure. How many people can you screw before you die. How said. Then you wonder why there's so many STD's, and other diseases around.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you believe in "and they lived happily ever after"?

Yes I do. Alot of people have had a happily ever after. It's about patients, and just letting go, and letting God. Especially when it comes to "They Lived Happily Ever After." Bad things never lasts for life. They're will be bad times throughout life. But never anything that will become so overwhelming that you can't deal with. "God never put more on us than we can bear." If there's extra going on in your life, you need to ask God what are you doing wrong. Because your extra headaches are NOT coming from God. Tell the Devil to beat it, and keep God first.
Liked by: † Twix †

Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus?

NO, and NO. I'm not down with any of them. Both are soul sellers, and both are back stabbers towards our God. And they both just plain SUCK!
Liked by: † Twix †

The entire world stands still for one day, but not you. What do you do?

Freak out. But then probably have the time of my life. I can't explain everything, because it's way too much to talk about. But in the beginning, I'll freak out, but then have a ball. It's only for one day so It'll be fun. If it was for a long extended period of time, I'll be depressed in this world with only just me. The animals stood still too. So there's no one. But even if the animals didn't stay still. I wouldn't won't to live in this world with just animals, and no people. Especially for a long period of time. No one wants too. No matter how much people say. They rather be here with no one but the animals. They'll completely miss human companionships, and all the human resources. Get real people. You know you wouldn't survive on this earth without other humans. And especially without God.

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Liked by: † Twix †


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