
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Do you embrace or fear change?

Most I fear change. But some I do embrace. It depends on what kind of change it is. And I think that's with everyone.
Liked by: † Twix †

What's one difficulty in being a teenager?

I'm not a teen. But when I was a teen. The only difficultly was peer pressure. Other teens was having sex, drinking, smoking weed, and cigarettes, and doing other types of drugs. Most teens are still doing it now. Nothing hasn't changed since I was a teen. It's actually worse now then it was when a I was a teen. With the involvement of my parents, and with the help of the Lord. I stayed clear of that stuff. I may have tried cigarettes, beer, and hard liquor. But I was 18, and tasting that stuff was horrible. I definitely wasn't having sex when I was a teen. So many people want to do what they want to do, and not what God wants them to do. That's why there's so much crap going on in this world. Disobey God, turn your back on him, pretend he doesn't exist, and expect bad consequences behind it. Disobey your parents, and pretend they don't exist. There's going to be bad consequences behind it as well. So why God should show pity on you when you know the difference between right, and wrong. Your parents don't. If they do, then they're some really dumb parents. Probably why these kids are out of control. Don't expect positive, if your life isn't you living by God's commandments.

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What’s the coolest thing people can learn from you?

That you don't have to drink, or smoke to be cool. Just being what God calls you to be is what's important, and not being what you think you should be. Because being what you think is right is what can destroy you. If not in this life, it'll destroy you in the after life. And that will be the worst. Constant suffering. It will never end.
Liked by: † Twix †

With whom would you get in touch in a spirit calling session?

Nobody, because I don't, and never will play with that crap. People are not getting in touch with dead people. Them are demons. Demons lie, and deceive. People actually fall for that "I'm taking to Bobby BS." Get real. That's not Bobby. That's a demon pretending to be him. Demons know us better than we know our selves. That's the reason why there's so much hell on this earth. People keep opening up doors, and letting demons in. We keep closing them, but people keep opening em. LEAVE THAT CRAP ALONE! If you're going to continue to mess with it, than I hope something tragic happens to you. I know that sounds mean, but I'm sick of these idiots opening up doors, than complain about what's going on in the world. Maybe if you get your butt heanded to you by a demon, that will teach you a lesson.
Liked by: † Twix †

What do you prefer - individual or team sports?

I like both. But I will have to say team sports. Team sports is more competitive than individual sports in my opinion. Because team sports is about trust, much more focusing, and alot more coordination.
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PAP of your best friend!

My bestfriend is Jesus. There's no real picture of him. Those pictures that's headlining is not a real picture of Jesus. For all I know, them pictures could be Lucifer himself. Jesus eyes are red like fire, and his hair is like wool. He's not a blond head blue eyes person with long hair. He's not a brunette neither. People need to stop following those false pictures of Jesus. And follow the Jesus that is described in the good book.
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Who is the most overrated Hollywood actor?

It's a lot of them that are overrated. Shoot I have to say all of them are overrated. I don't know any of them. I'm not into hellywood actors or actresses. If I saw any of them walking the street. I would ignore them, just like I do everyone else. They're nothing to me but just people. They haven't done anything for me. I care less about what they got, or how liked they are. That doesn't benefit me at all. I'm too busy worry about me, and mines. I don't have time to be focused on hellywood, and the people who sold their souls to get there.
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How do you know when you're in love?

It's a lot of ways to tell that you're in love with someone. But it's more of lust, and other types of perverted things that people think is love. People will marry objects because they say they're so call "in love." People need to stop making jokes out of marriage, and learn the difference between love, and perversion.
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Can you live without lying at all?

Well yeah. Everyone can. It's hard though, but it can happen. Just like you can live without murdering people, and stealing from people. And all the other sins in the world. You can live without all of the sins. It's just people don't want to. They wanna live how they want to live. But at the end, you will have to answer to someone. But you're free to live how you want to. But everything has consequences. Good, or bad. Everyone lies. But asking for forgiveness, and trying not to do it again is the only thing that matters to God. Because if you're close to God. You want have those sinful needs. The closer you is to him, the less sin you will do. You just want have those needs, or thoughts anymore. The Devil will try to invade, but followers of Christ are strong, and know how to fight evil away. So yeah, you can live without lying.

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Do you believe in miracles?

Yes I do. Because miracles happens everyday. People that don't believe in it, are the ones who choose to cover their eyes from reality.
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Language: English