
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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It's International Kiss Day! Whom would you like to kiss right away?

Shoot. The Undertaker, or Shawn Michaels. Lol 😁 It'll just be a friendly kiss though.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Which insect is the most irritating?

Mosquitos, flies, and those gnats are all irritating. Bed bugs, ants, and roaches. Are irritating too. Shoot pretty much all insects are irritating. But the most irritating insect of all are people. The human race. Humanity. I can't wait for Jesus to return. He's the only one who's not irritating. Sometimes your own family can be irritating.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is your favorite four-legged creature and why?

Dogs. Especially Pit Bull dogs. Because they're the most loving, sweetest, and the most gentle breed of dogs. They're also the most misunderstood breed of dogs as well. Me as a Black American female, who's also a born again believer, Christ follower. I know how it feels to be misunderstood, judged, criticized, and treated like a low life piece of trash.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why do you think people hide love but express hatred so openly?

Most people think that spreading love is "lame," or that some people don't deserve love. Then that make people that was full of love get angry, and they turn into hatred. The only people that are full of love, and compassion is people that are full of Christ. Real Christ followers, but most of the time people confuse love as hatred. Because there's tough love, and truth love. Anybody can love you. But action love is the best love. Like for instance. If someone says abomination can send you to hell. That boys supposed to be boys, and girls supposed to be girls. Be proud of yourself. Your natural body, your natural color, natural gender. Those things you cannot change. Your DNA will always determined your race, gender, and everything DNA can discover. God doesn't make mistakes. Only people do that. So if someone says those things are wrong, and can send you to hell. Also pride. Being proud of your sins. That is not a good look. So when people like us bash that lifestyle choice, they think that we're bashing em, and that's not true. We love them just like God does. We love them enough to tell them the truth. Tell them that it's wrong. God says it's wrong. God says it will send you to hell. God says these things. God is our righteous judge. He's our last judge. He just want us to first acknowledge our sins, rebuke it in Jesus's name. Try not to sin again, then speak out against it along with other sins. That's us judging righteously. Me personally. I hate sinning. It's something that I'm not proud of. I keep it secret from the world, because sinning is disgusting, and disgraceful. I will never parade up, and down the streets, and celebrate my sins. Should murders, thieves, child molesters, and people who masturbate, lusts, and cheat on there husbands, or wives have parades too? Might as well. Let's all of us celebrate our sins. Let's make a parade for the proud murderers, and thieves. Let's make them feel good, and happy, and tell them it's okay. You go on, and murder all you want. Let the haters hate. You go on, and rape a child all you want. Let the haters hate.. You see how ignorant that sounds? Don't sit up, and say it's not the same thing. I'm sick of people saying that. Yes it is the same thing. ALL sins are the same thing. No sin is acceptable by God. What makes you think you can sin but others can't? What makes your sin better than others? That's being a hypocrite. Only judge a murderer, or whatever when you first acknowledge your sin. Just like that muslim that shot up that gay club over in Orlando. Did you ever think that it was your fault to begin with. Your sin creates more sins. He could've choose any other club or bar, or anything. But he choose that club that night. Now they want to shoot up churches because saints are exposing sins. But anyway. People that don't say anything, and let you sin are the ones that don't love you. Some people forget that love is also truth. I'm telling you this because I love you. It's not hate.

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If you had to choose a different nationality, what would you choose?

Native American, or Puerto Rican. But I love who God made me. A Black American, Female, who's also a follower of Christ. Nothing could be better for me.
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Is being single a curse or a blessing?

It can be both a blessing, and be lonely. I wouldn't call it a "curse" Just like being taken can be both a blessing, but has it's up's, and down's as well. But it's a blessing when you have someone that loves you so much, that he/she can put up with your problems.
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What did you do as a kid that seemed normal at the time but which now seems super weird?

This question can be a personal question, being that I have a personal answer. But it's more like "what others did to me when I was a kid that I thought seemed normal." Not "what I did as a kid that seemed normal." Hopefully you'll get what I'm getting at with that statement.
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Which word or phrase annoys you the most?

When people. Well some people say the word "Dank." It's a couple other lame words too that some people say. I just can't think of it right now. Them words are extremely GAY. you gotta be the lamest person if you use those words to try to fit in. I'm from the hood. Those words will get you bullied if you use em.
Liked by: † Twix †

In whose power it is to make a difference in the world?

God. If we ask him he will make a difference in this world. A good difference at that.
Liked by: † Twix †

What did you dream about last night?

I didn't sleep last night. I only slept for 3 or 4 hrs. If I did dream last night, I don't remember it. No I don't have a sleeping problem. I sleep really well. I'm just a night owl. I usually sleep during the day.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English