
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What's your favorite video game?

Do you mean my favorite video game console. My favorite game console is of course Nintendo, and my favorite game is all the Mario games. I also have other favorites, but Mario is my #1.
Liked by: † Twix †

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What do you think of makeup?

Only ugly people, or people that basically lives on T.V wears makeup. Cute people don't need to wear it, and most cute people don't.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is on your favorite graphic tee?

I had a tee when I was little that said. "Like I Care." I loved that tee. It was blue, and it had a goofy face of a man on it.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

I never noticed. I don't know. Everything about boys, and girls are different. I don't know why Alot of things are different, being that boys, and girls are the same. Girls are just boys, but with different features.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

I sleep with a small lamp on. I like it a little dark, but not too dark. sometimes at night I like to read or, want to write something down. Instead of turning the bright light on, I have just enough light for when I do things like that.
Liked by: † Twix †

Besides your country, which is the next best country in the world?

I say Africa. That's the riches country in the world. I don't understand why there starving people over there.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

I don't really drink color pops that much. I'm mostly into clear pops, like Sprite, 7up, and ginger ale. But if I were to choose between the two, I'll choose Coke, because Pepsi is too sweet.
Liked by: † Twix †

You like foopets. I used to like foopets, but they turned sour. -.-

Dr.Jane took over. A whole new company took over, and they messed it up. Dr.Ron is back but so far the only good thing that has changed are now foopets is free. Free members can't sell or gift anything to anyone anymore, the friend list is jacked up. You can only see Clinging members you're not allowed to express yourself anymore like you used too due to all the little children on there, and you can put pictures up that leads to an outside link on your profile. You also can't feed the abandoned pets anymore that's all around foopets now. It's even more now, then it was back then. I'm a Caretaker, and that's what I like to do. I like to take care of all the abandoned pets on there. The Forums aren't on and poppin' like it used to be. They don't have role play anymore, that's probably why. The public message board is now private. The real time chat is shitty. I miss Meebo chat, and the pet price's are way too high in the adoption center, and on most of those clubfoo members account's. They got clubfoo. Why do they need anymore foodollers? They're asses gets allowances. I also don't like the fact that you can sell your pets to the adoption center. That don't make no damn sense. You can't SELL a PET to a damn shelter. They need to fix that. You can put a pet in the AC, but you shouldn't get no damn money for it. Taxes shouldn't exist on foopets. Maybe for CF members, but not the free members if they ever get a chance to sell anything. Because of the simple fact that free members don't have alot of FDs. They need to fix the mobile site. Add a walk button, and a flea treatment button. They also need to add more different types of pet food in the shop via the mobile site. They only have the small serving of pet food. They need to add the large serving as well, and they also need to fix that ugly ass dog they just came out with via the mobile site as well. The feed button doesn't even work. You have to feed those ugly bastards manually. It's Alot of problems still exist on there, but Dr.Ron just got his site back a few months ago. They say that he's trying to make the site back like it used to be. Hopefully like ir used to be back in 2010. Oh I forgot. It's one other good thing about the site. You can now post pictures in the forums. That's about it. There's Alot more flaws than fixes. If I were you, I wouldn't join yet. But if you want to join for free, you can. Just beware of the changes, and beware that being a free member is absolutely boring, and I will not buy CF regardless on how much it costs. I wouldn't put my money in that site if it was only a damn penny to buy CF. Because I'm not happy with foopets. Why put your money in something you're not happy with? That's dumb.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Who is the funniest comedian?

Tyler Perry. I also like Cedric The Entertainer, Steve Harvey, and God rest his soul Barney Mac. Them are my favorite comedians. I also think Eddie Murphy is funny too, But Steve Harvey, and them takes the cake. :)
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

Listen. It depends on what the person is talking about, or trying to explain something, when they are completely explaining it wrong. I would then talk, before I'll listen to their BS.

What was your most awkward moment?

My awkward moments is with my niece. She thinks she's street smart, and she's only 12 years old. She don't go outside unless she has to go to school. Kids talk about her because She's fat, and she is very lazy. She sits on her computer day in, and day out. She want everything handed to her on a silver platter, and her mom baby's her like she's six months old, and she acts like a baby. That's why when she goes over my brothers house, him, and his wife make her hang with their little seven year old son, and his little friends. Because she acts just like them. I have to hide food when I'm at their house. If I don't, I won't get any. She's greedy. She eats the whole while she's up. That's why my mom never wanted to babysit her, because she would eat you out of house, and home. That's sad. That's an awkward, and a sad moment for me. Idk what her future holds. Her being lazy, and greedy. Don't no one wanna take care of a grown greedy lazy person. That's for sure. She better hope her mom stick around for a very long time, or she's in trouble. I'm not taking her in unless she is working probably in school. And she's not just going to sit up in my house either. She is going to be cleaning, cooking, or washing clothes. Obese, and lazy? That's two of the worst things you can be. Because they both can kill you

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Liked by: † Twix †


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