
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Hey Twix. I haven't talk to you in awhile. How you been doing?

Hey Mike. I'm doing good. I felt a little nauseous early Friday morning & yesterday a little gasy. But that's the life of a pregnant woman.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Are u going to get pokèmon X or Y?

Nope. I'm not a pokèmon fan. I played it once on the GBA, & I didn't get the concept of the game. I'm more of a casual gamer. I also enjoy platformers & racers as well. So I'll just stick with those kind of games. I sometimes play fighters & shooters. Depending on what kind they are. I really enjoy GTA & 007 games. I also enjoy the old SNES fighter games like Mortal Kombat, Killers Instinct & a N64 game called fighters destiny.
Liked by: † Twix †

What is your attitude to human cloning?

It's stupid. It's an abomination. Not just cloning. But the other things that these scientist comes up with. Trying to play God. like test tube babies, & God knows what else. Some people are identical twins. That's the closest thing we should get to cloning. There's a difference in personality but they look the same. That's close enough. If you don't have a twin. Oh well. You lucked out. & if someone can't have a child. It was meant for them not to have one. Just like if people that don't want a child end up getting pregnant, or getting someone pregnant. That child deserves a chance, They didn't ask to be here, & that child should be born. I also don't believe in abortions. Everything happens for a reason. & playing God is not going to end pretty.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do u like any other sports besides wrestling?

Yes basketball, & Boxing. Also a few Olympic sports too. Like Track & field, Swimming & Diving, Archery, Shooting, & Gymnastics. I also like to watch Nascar, & Winter Olympic sports.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you want to become a wrestler?

Nope. Cause I don't like to travel. I don't like to be away from home. I can't stay away from home for 3 days without getting homesick. I get very homesick, that I actually will start to vomit. I'm also not a people person. So that will make me very uncomfortable. Them are alot of people, & I don't like it. I also don't want to be touched by them random people. So nope wrestling isn't for me. But I can wrestle though. Anyway I rather work in my field. In becoming a veterinarian.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you like John Cena?

I'm not a fan of him, but I can tolerate him. I'm following him on twitter if that helps. He kinda reminds me of a rip-off version of The Rock. & Rock is my sweetheart, one of my childhood Idols. Cena wasn't even around at that times. The AE times. Cena wouldn't last either around those AE times. But anyway. I will never turn on Rock. He's actually the reason why I started watching wrestling. So it bothers me that Cena tries to be like him. You know. With the insults & the cockyness. But besides that. I don't have nothing against Cena.
Liked by: † Twix †

Michelle McCool is lucky as hell to have Undertaker. I want him, like a kid wants to go to a amusement park.

Lol that's a serious want right there. Most females do. Michelle better watch Taker & give him what he wants because if not. Any girl will love to have him. My friend is 22 & she told me if Michelle messes up, & Taker isn't happy anymore. She'll find him & make him hers. A 22 year old female wants a 48 year old male. Taker is pulling young chicks, & I don't think he knows it. :D
Liked by: † Twix †

I'm going to cry buckets of tears when Undertaker call it quits. Xc

Ikr. I am too. I'll be happy that now he get's to enjoy life, but I'll be missing him at the same time. :'(
Liked by: † Twix †

What did yo mom say when you told her you were pregnant?

She actually knew I was pregnant before I even told her. But I am an adult. She just told me the basics, & she wanted to know was I still going to continue to go to school & I told her yeah.
Liked by: † Twix †

Did u ever watch WCW & ECW?

Nope. I was really mad when WWE bought WCW & ECW. Because I predicted the end. I wasn't wrong either. The only people made me still watch WWE was The Rock, Stone Cold, DX Kane, & of course Undertaker. But I didn't want those WCW & ECW wrestlers in WWE.
Liked by: † Twix †


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