@ReyJakuzure89#27 🇺🇸

Rey Lorena

Ask @ReyJakuzure89

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Interesting that you are thinking about the school district! Planning on kids in the near future? :))

Not that near 🤣
I definitely want kids, but not before I'm done with college and have a job.

Do you like your house, or are you thinking about moving?

I like it, but it's not mine, eventually we'll have to move out. I would like to stay in this area though, low crime and a great school district.

Technically thinking....... If a judge sentences serial killers a life sentence without parole or death penalty wouldn't that make the judge also a serial killer?

They would die of natural causes or a shiv to the eye, the judge has nothing to do with their death.

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Have you seen the movie called smile and do you think it’s as scary as some people think it is? Why or why not?

I thought it was decent and disturbing but not as scary as I thought it would be.

How did some people manage to be on this app for 10+ years? How can you deal with so much toxic energy, bullying ,harassment, racism, ableism, bigotry etc? I've been here a year and someone told me to go back to my country.

I heard from people who have been on this app for longer that it didn't used to be like this. I don't think it's the app that changed, just people in general.

If I came over and blasted “Good For You”, by Selena Gomez, outside your window: would you think it was cute and romantic? Or call the cops?

shesafreakandiloveit’s Profile PhotoDespiteItAllShePrevails
The first thing that comes to mind is "Slop Bucket" 🤣

Do you read food ingredients?

deporky9’s Profile PhotoIts Tiffy Time
If it's something that I really liked I read them to see if I could make it myself. Not allergic to anything, so I don't need to check for that.

What do you do to get through the day when you've gotten very little sleep? 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I go running in the morning, that's usually enough. Energy drinks too, of course 🤣
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have any posters / pictures / paintings set up on your walls? Feel free to showcase them if you want to 🖼️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Pretty sure I posted this before. I bought these after we were done remodeling our bedroom.
Do you have any posters  pictures  paintings set up on your walls Feel free to
Liked by: Eric L Tobbe

If an inheritance was given to you 20 years ago and hidden from you would you want all of it or would you share it with your siblings who's demanding half.

zA9yD7g85dreamily’s Profile Photodreamy
If it's your inheritance your siblings have no claim. I would put half of it in a college fund for my younger brother, my older ones wouldn't get anything.
Liked by: dreamy

Let your pet pass naturally or put them be put to sleep? If they are not showing signs of pain rather just old n slow and a few accidents on floor?

If the pet is still able to get around and eat by itself I would wait and maybe start training them to go on a pad. That way they don't have to wait for you. I'd still get it checked by a vet tho and get their take.

DId you ever try cutting out caffeine? Might help with anxiety!

I tried that, it got worse because I was tired and cranky.

When one car gets ruined, it’s easy to replace… thank God for insure 🐜 s.

Not if the person who ruined it is an uninsured lowlife p*g f****r from Turkmenistan.


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