

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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how many likes did your most popular post on social media get? (and this question is just for curiosity/lack of better questions. no judgement here. remember likes don't represent one's worthiness or greatness or whatever)

I don't have any idea. I'm not posting into the void, but I don't post for interactions, really.

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Name a game you are terrible at playing?

I don't know. I'm not very good at ones I don't play (but know how), so maybe I'm not very good at soccer.
Liked by: KJay

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

I just answered this one. It would depend on the situation that I'm being forced into that would require me to only keep 5 things. The things I'd save from a house fire would be different than the ones I'd choose for an apocalypse scenario.

Cake or pie?

I answered this one recently. If I had to pick on to eat now, cake. If I had to pick one or the other forever, pie.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

The ones most likely to keep me alive in whatever scenario you have in mind.

Why do the women on this keep showing there close to naked bodies on here? What's the gain to it?

I never see that, so I'm not sure what you mean.

Do you sleep with a fan on?

Not by choice. My wife wants it on, but I don't want it blowing on me.

Why fairy tales are told to children?

Because they are simple stories that typically contain some moral principal that would be useful.

$500 wedding vs $50,000 wedding. Which marriage is more likely to succeed?

How much you spend on the wedding is a poor predictor of the quality of the marriage.
Liked by: Marc Leduc

Have you ever seen Game of Thrones? 👑🏰 Which is your favorite house and why? 🐺🐲🦁🌹🦌🐙☀️🦅🐟

I have never watched it.

Do remember life without technology? What was it like?

Depends on what you mean. I remember life with less tech The 80's for example), and times without it being readily available(camping or out of cell range). It was a lot like the world with tech, only without it.


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