

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What’s the coolest thing people can learn from you?

Be patient and know that most things don't require you to act immediately.

When do you usually start preparing gifts for Christmas?

I don't really buy "Christmas presents" until early December, unless I see something specific earlier on a good sale.

So I have liked someone for three years now, should I tell them or is it too late? (Quick backstory: he’s single we r same age, sophomore year I’m pretty sure he liked me, junior year we got distant bc no classes together, senior year we start to talk again)

I mean, tell them you like them, sure.

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The first thing to your left is your weapon in the zombie apocalypse. What is it?

A power cord for a Nintendo Switch. Immediately past that is a Blue Yeti microphone.

What's something that you would never wear?

That answer might depend on how many drinks I've had (or how silly I feel like being).

How do you handle stress??? OR stress handle's you???

I don't stress very much or often. I handle things one thing at a time.

Does anyone listen to Reggae? What are some relaxing songs to listen to?

I like Reggae, but I don't listen to it. I enjoy it when I come across it though.

If you were being chased by a murderer would you trip and look back? What would you do?

I'm not much of a runner, so I'd probably only be moving to a better defensive position. I'm also pretty strong and have some interest in combat, so my best chances would likely be to confront them instead of running.
Liked by: Ladiesman217

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

Probably a picture of me sitting at a desk.

Ты когда нибудь в себя парней влюбляла?

Нет, я никогда не влюблялся в парня.

How do you define the right answer for a group of people?

By eliminating all the bad options so there is only one left - then everyone else will be on the right.


Language: English