

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What inspires you the most?

There isn't a "thing" that inspires me at all. I just have to prioritize what I'm doing.

what's your favourite food?

I was talking with my son yesterday about this very topic, and I don't think I have one. There are things I like in certain contexts but there is no 'one food to rule them all'.

What are some of the most unusual or interesting things you do to amuse yourself when you're bored?

I'm rarely bored. I'll play games, meditate, nap, work out, count things, solve puzzles, etc. when I am not otherwise occupied.

Would you rather go to a music festival, have fun and sleep in a tent, or stay home, watch TV series and have some tasty snacks?

I'm not a big fan of crowds or music festivals. But sleeping in a tent and having fun sounds like fun too.

Do you listen to your parents’ advice?

When I think their advise is good, or if I think they know more about something than I do.

Do you have a pet? Share its photo!

I do have a pet (a puppy), but I don't have any photos of them on my computer (they are mostly on my wife's phone).

What is your perfect Sunday morning?

Sleeping in a little late. Getting up to an empty house and a fresh pot of coffee. Sipping coffee while reading the news, then going for a walk.

What does street style mean to you?

My first thought was skateboarding (the sport, not the style), but if you are referring to fashion, then I'd say "urban" - but I can't really quantify that without a lot of exposition that I don't feel like doing.

Is the world getting better or worse?

Overall, things are improving, and have been consistently for a long time. If it seems like it isn't, it's probably due to a nostalgia bias and the fact that things aren't perfect (so it's easy to find problems now). But by most metrics things are better for more and more people.

Do you know the title of that movie set in the west in which a man and his gang are chasing a killer who burned his house with wife and son inside?

Doesn't sound like one I've seen.

Do you think it is difficult to live as a vegetarian/vegan?

Any diet with significant limitations is going to be harder than one without them. Vegan is probably far more difficult than vegetarian though. Not that either is going to be "hard" in the modern world.

Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

They are different services with different major markets. I'm more of a Twitter person.

Where is the one place you can go where everything is okay?

No where. Something is wrong everywhere. Being OK with not everything being as it should be right now is one of the keys to being calm and happy.


No. They are different countries with their own histories, cultures and languages.

Finish this sentence; "my friends know i'm not okay when..."

I'm breathing. My acceptable range for OK is extremely broad. But what are these "friends" you speak of?


Language: English