

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What is a primary fear that is holding you back?

I am not aware of any fears holding me back. Time is my biggest obstacle.

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Do you like The Miami dolphins

I've never been to Miami. Are their dolphins any different than the ones in Tampa? I went to the aquarium there and saw some.

What would be your action plan, if there were no more electricity in the world?

I know how to get by without it. I would need to find a new job though (I work in IT). But the idea of "no more electricity" doesn't make sense. I mean the physics existed before the tech.

What does it mean to be a good citizen on the Internet?

Don't be a ...jerk on the internet, trust everyone like a stranger at a party where you don't belong, and remember that the internet never forgets.

I sometimes think I am psychic. Other times I think I am not pyschic. Are you pyschic ? Is you mother named Zelda ?

I am as psychic as the most psychic psychic. My mother's name is not Zelda, however.

So my friend has a crush on this girl and I knew this. However one day the girl asked me out and I said yes because I liked her too but I didn’t want to tell him that because I never thought I had a chance. What do I do now?

Tell your friend.

Do you like to wear flip-flops?

No, I have never liked them, really. I prefer that if I wear shoes, I can run in them if needed.

If you were in charge, who would be the next US president (any person)?

I don't know if there is a best person in my opinion. Someone who agrees with my on everything, can get to those policies through compromise on less important issues, and who wants to restore more power back to Congress from the POTUS.

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

I've never been able to figure this out, so maybe I'm just not a tattoo guy.

How can you stay friends with someone you just broke up with?

Why you broke up and how involved you were can be factors. But you have to establish a "new normal" for how you interact or it won't be any different than when you were together.

Would you rather explore a new planet, or the deepest parts of the ocean? Why?

Depends on a lot of things. Can I come back safely or is it a one way trip? How long will it take? Unencumbered, I might choose a new planet because of the uniqueness of the experience. But i have a family that I wouldn't also risk on such an adventure.


Language: English