

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What do you do to relax after work?

If I have enough time (after the kids go to bed) I lift weights in my basement. Lately, though, I've been trading that time for some more sleep.

Is coffee suppose to fizzle in your cup?

Coffee can aerate when you pour it, creating bubbles, but that's not typically associate with any noise.

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Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

About where and what I am, only more so. I think I'm doing pretty OK right now.

Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them???

Getting them wet can promote mold growth (mold spores are everywhere). They also collect dust form being out in the open, and you do some mild exfoliation when you dry off (leaving skin and hair behind on the towel). Over time, this builds up in the fabric of the towel.

The object to your right is now your weapon of choice in the upcoming apocalypse. What is it?

Garrettwatts’s Profile PhotoGarrett Watts
There is no object to my right (just a doorway into a walkway). If you go into the next person's office next to me, the item I see to my right is his backpack.

What concert do you want to go to? ?✌

I like music way more than I like concerts, and I don't even listen to music every day.

How many times have you fallen in love?

Depends on how you define it. I have felt love for many people and sometimes that was reciprocated.

You win free airfare and a two week vacation anywhere in the world, where do you go?

Tough question. My top choice would have been Tokyo up till a few years ago. Now I might take the wife to Italy - she loved going there in in her 20's, and I've never been.
Liked by: Aini

If you had 5 concerts tickets to your favorite band. Who would you take with you?

I don't have a favorite band and I'm not a big fan of concerts... so picking who to go with is a bit far down the list of decisions I'd have to make...

It's World Vegan Day! Do you think it is healthy to be a vegan/vegetarian?

Those are two different things. Vegetarianism is more sustainable than veganism. Both can be healthy, but vegans have a higher carbon footprint. I prefer an omnivorous diet myself.

What’s some good movies to watch on Netflix . Scary & funny I’m looking for .

I'd have to go through the listings to see what they have there to recommend anything, but I don't have the energy to put in that kind of effort right now. The review ratings seem to be pretty realistic though.

Happy Halloween 👻 what are your plans for the night ?

We took the kids out Trick or Treating with their cousins,and now they are in bed and I'm heading there sooner than later myself.

What worries you the most?

I don't worry much at all. I do have some existential dread for the future, but I see the world as an optimistic nihilist.


Language: English