

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Has anyone ever said something to you that set you on a path to prove them wrong?

Only if I was certain they were wrong, and then, well, all the time.

Describe a perfect night out!

Assuming I had to go out, it would be low key. Dinner with the wife at a nice, but not expensive, restaurant, then a movie that neither one of us is sure about but both end up liking more then we expected.

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How do you be friends with someone who broke your heart?

If there is a compelling interest, you can focus on that as a means of positive association. So, if it's the parent of a shared child, focus on the child's welfare above your feelings. If there isn't a compelling interest, then why would you want to?

What does it mean to be a good citizen on the Internet?

The same thing that it means to be a good citizen, I suppose, only doing it online too.

Do you prefer vintage or new?

Depends on the thing, but I lean towards new. A vintage desk is probably well built (to have lasted a long time), but that's not so important in, say, a computer or smartphone.

Do you brush your teeth before or after eating breakfast?

I don't eat breakfast most of the time. I brush my teeth when I get ready for the day.

Why society needs you?

Because I will save the universe, and you can't have much of a society without one of those.

Who are you in a parallel universe?

If it's a parallel universe, probably pretty much the same me as I am now, unless the situation the world is in is different.

Do you tend to stand out or blend in with a crowd?

Depends on my mood. I prefer to be able to blend in and stand out when I want to.

Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?

I don't honestly suspect that any of them are aliens. Frankly, if they were aliens I don't know why they would want to be in the public eye as they would be more likely to be found out.

Favorite actress?

Scarlet Johansson. Not so much for her acting (which isn't bad, mind you) but I like most of the characters she portrays in her films.


Language: English