

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

I don't know. I've been considering this for a bit and I can't come up with "anything". I am either making a list of individual things (health, job, family, etc) or I'm searching for a theme or principal that I'm grateful for (living in a first world country, having low existential angst, being relatively free in movement and ideas).

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If aliens do really exist, which language will be okay for them to speak of?

I'm sure they'd have a native tongue of their own. If they were to learn a language based on the number of worldwide speakers, it would be English.

What would be the best-worst name for different types of businesses? (dry cleaners, amusement parks, etc.)

Garrettwatts’s Profile PhotoGarrett Watts
I'm afraid I'm not that creative right now to come up with anything witty.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Instagram?

I follow mostly people I know IRL, but Jujimufu and Martins Licis get the most likes from me.

Name of your favorite pet and the impact it had on you

When I was two years old we had a dog (for like two weeks) named Happy. We played catch in the kitchen with a ball, and he sat on a chair with big, sad, puppy-dog eyes and his tail wagged a mile a minute. But our townhouse at the time had some crazy restrictions on pets, so we couldn't keep him (he went to live with my dad's best friend). That was the last time I had a pet I didn't need to take care of.
Liked by: Tracy Lee Wallace

What are some of the best feelings in life ??©

I always feel like this is just fishing for that line from Conan the Barbarian.

Do you ever feel lonely and just stare at your phone blankly because YOU have no one in your contacts to text with? What can I do to not feel this way?

I don't ever feel this way, but that may be because I see those times opportunities to do something else. I'll look up interesting facts, meditate, read articles, books or magazines, or something like that. Make that time about being more or a better "you".


No, typically English is considered one the hardest to learn. I don't think it's "the" hardest, because that's rather relative.

Is it possible to cross a bear with a cow? ???

If the bear wants hamburgers, yes. The likelihood of cross breeding is so small as to be non-existent, however.

What's the last book you read?

Finished? I don't recall. The Epic of Gilgamesh, maybe. For the last year I've been reading four other books and haven't finished any of them yet.

Has loving someone ever made you look foolish?

Maybe, but I've never thought of myself that way and no one's ever told me I was.

Are you a shopaholic?

No. I'd rather not spend money if I can, and when I have to, I try to put it off as long as possible.


Language: English