

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Who do you admire the most right now?

Myself, but that's usually the case. I tend to internalize motivations, so while there are inspiring and inspirational people out there, no one is quite me enough.

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What do you wish you'd had time to do this summer?

Read books. Honestly, I wish I had more time to do that all year, but especially in summer.

What movie can you quote word for word?

None, anymore, but I used to be able to recite the entire 1984 version of Dune.

What would you try to do if you knew you could not fail?

Win a very large lottery jackpot or find a solution to aging and it's related diseases.

Am I the only male around here that has slept with more men than women?

Probably not, but if you've slept with even one you've been with more than me.

Can you kindly report this account for promoting falsehoods: Elizabeth2018x?

Mo, I don't know who that is or what they said. Nor am I willing it involve myself in someone else's drama.

What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

Drinking coffee, reading a good book for a while, a light lunch, going for a walk, playing something outside with my kids, taking a nap, going out to a restaurant for dinner, putting the kids to bed and watching a movie at home with my wife. Most Saturdays I can get three of the nine things.

Who else needs a workout/hiking buddy?

I workout alone and find working out with other people distracting and throws off my pacing, taking me longer usually. Hiking though, I don't do a lot of, so I think I'm good there too.

Do you believe in horoscope compatibility?

I don't believe in horoscopes, let alone the compatibility aspect of it.

If you could... would you choose to be tall or short?

Depends on the scale. I would rather be short, if it was just shorter than average (like 5'6"), over being, like, 9 feet tall. I would be OK being a little taller (up to 6'6" or so) rather than 5'2".

do you go for jogging in the morning?

I don't go jogging any time, though I'm seriously considering running a 5k next spring, so I may start that soon-ish. Chances are that I'd be jogging in the evening if I do though.

Has a compliment ever made you blush?

The compliment, probably not, but the attention, yes. I blush easily and I'm not even aware of it sometimes.

Do you trust your gut instinct?

I try to use as much system 2 processing as possible. While I am inclined to certain things, I prefer to analyze them instead of just reacting to things.

If you were really hungry, really exhausted and really gross, what would you do first – eat, nap or shower?

Sleep I am always hungry, so that's nothing new, and eating doesn't always fix that. "Gross" isn't something that bothers me most of the time.

Smart casual or sporty style?

Are you missing a comma in the question? I don't really follow a style most days. I wear "casual friday" clothes to work, and casual sporty clothes when I'm not.


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