

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Would you rather tell your parents the truth or lie to your best friend?

The truth. I don't know why someone would want to lie to their parents, especially about someone else.

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

After I've found clean water, built a shelter and found viable food sources, I'd then try and figure out if it's better to leave the island or stay, and begin working out how to do that.

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Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Never trying. We rarely regret the things we did, it's usually the things we didn't.

Should men be allowed to have networks ?

Uh... like computer networks? Social networks? Neural? In all cases, yes.

Do you like movies about UFOs and aliens?

Yeah, I do. It's not my favorite genre, but I've seen quite a few.

How do you ask someone out on a date?

Something like "Hey, want to go (insert activity)?" That could be drinks, dinner (and movie), coffee, bookstore, swings at the playground, etc.

Who is your favorite person?

I assume you mean, besides myself... that's a tough one. I like to be fair and only have myself as my favorite, so no one gets jealous.

What is the purpose of your existence?

There is no purpose to existence. We can, however, define meaning for existence.

What's something you enjoy doing again and again??

Sex, and sleeping. Eating is good too. So is working out regularly.

It's Social Media Day! Name your favorite social media apps now!

I'm not really a fan of social media, but I take it as a temporary inevitability of modern society. YouTube and Twitter are my most used ones though.


Language: English