

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Were you closer with your mom or your dad when growing up?

My mom. My dad was always around, but he worked a lot.

If you could be any person in the world for a day, who would you be and why?

I like me, and while I would like to experience the world as as someone other than me for a while, I don't know if there is a single person I'd like to be.

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Do you believe in hate at first sight?

No, but I think it can happen in short order if another person violates someone's sacred principals.

What would you do if your best friend came into the room and stunk up the place?

Make fun of them for stinking up the place.

What would you save first if your apartment caught on fire?

I don't live in an apartment anymore, but when I did I would have grabbed the dogs. The rest was just stuff.

If you were a super hero what powers would you have?

I don't know, I'm not a super hero. If I was, I think I'd want to have healing like Wolverine or Deadpool.

What does it mean to be a human being?

A question for the ages. To me, it starts with the human genome. We build other structures like person-hood and value from there.

Do you wear sunscreen when going to the beach?

When I go to the beach for any amount of time, yes. If I am just going for a walk or something, then not any more than I do going anywhere else.

I am looking for a girlfriend...should I am aim low ?

That might increase your pool of candidates, but I find it best to not be too judgemental of others. You don't have to "aim low", but you should step back and assess what are the real, important characteristics that you would want in a mate over a long period of time.
Liked by: Alexaandra

Do you judge people ? Is one person better than some other person ? Do you notice skin...shoes...cars...eyes...hair...teeth ...clothing...nose...lips ?

I don't judge people based on immutable characteristics, and tend to be charitable to people's flaws.

What are some ways to stay Positive in a negative situation?

That can entirely depend on the situation.

Do you read Popular Science magazine ?

No, but I don't really read any magazines. I used to read it though.

I was interested in you until I learned you have a baby.

Well, I have a 10 and a 7 year old, so not really babies anymore. I also have a wife, so I don't think it would have worked out between us anyway.

Well I'm sorry if never do that I just ask it as a shout out.. sorry PPl do that..

Life is short do what you want
It's OK, it's about as annoying as my shoes laces coming untied. People are trying to be witty and friendly. But I think I was 10 years old the last time I heard an original one, so it's all kinda cringey to me. It always comes from a good place, and half the people who do it realize that I probably hear that a lot. Don't feel bad asking. I'm sure there are people who really hate their names for some pretty good (or awful) reasons. You might hear some of them too.
+1 answer in: “If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?”

If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

Life is short do what you want
I like my name. My only wish would be that people stop trying to make "a thing" out of it. Like, if my name was "Carrie" (it's not, but it works for the story) people saying things like "Oh, don't go psycho and kill me", or "I love Sex and the City" or "Oh, you're not doing to grab my bag? Isn't your name "carry'?" - this type of thing. I hear a lot of that with my name.
+1 answer Read more

Are you an artistic person? If yes, in which arts?

I used to draw, and I played some music poorly. I really liked writing too and would like to be a fiction author as a second career.

If you can go back in time, what age and why at that age?

Love Couple
Am I aging again as normal or staying that way? If I'm just starting over again, I'd do 17 and redo my late teens/early 20's again, making some different decisions (basically doing more than my way too laid back period of my life). To stay that way, I think 25-28 was, relatively speaking, I was at a physical peak to some extent.

How does the Internet influence your life?

I influence the internet more than it influences me. Though it does make me more aware of marginal positions.

Have you ever had an outdoor cat who disappeared without a trace ?

Yes. I've had them both disappear and never come back, and had them disappear and come back months or over a year later.


Language: English