

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Have you ever watched any sitcoms your parents use to watch?

Yes. Not that my parents were too into sitcoms, but I did watch and like some of the ones they liked. My parents were more news and sports people than sitcoms.

If you had a choice to either feel no fear or feel no pain for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Probably fear. I don't feel a lot of fear at my age. I do feel pain, but it is a decent diagnostic tool to not overdo things. I'd rather take time off to heal an injury that's minor than go full bore until I need surgery to fix something I didn't realize was an issue.

How do you deal with rejection!

Personally, I remind myself that it's not just about me, but more often the circumstances, in spite of what it seems on the surface.

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Which flowers do you like by smell and which – by appearance?

Not real big on flowers. I don't like smelling things, though I do like some things that have a smell, like leather, brewed coffee, baked bread, etc, but I don't like things that smell like things. By appearance, sunflowers. clover and daisies are nice.

What is the chanting song hidden in the end of the piece from the end of Attack on Titan s1 ep19? I know I've heard it before but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

Mackenzie Robertson
Not sure, I haven't watched that series yet. It's on my list, but haven't made it that far yet.

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

I don't really care to meet any "celebrities" as such. Most of the people that I think I'd like to meet are not very famous except in certain circles.

What's the movie that made you cry?

I can cry at sappy commercials, and most movie endings with sappy music. Not because I feel it, it's just a weird physiological response I have. However, I was legitimately misty eyed watching Christopher Robin.

What annoying line or phrase did your parents always use?

Whenever I'd ask my dad how much something costs, he would always say "a dollar two ninety-eight" - which doesn't and isn't supposed to make sense, but it sounds like it could mean something.

Would you like to be the first person stepping on Mars?

No, but maybe the 200th. I would only go with a reasonable expectation of coming back to earth. I'm not sure the first couple of people can be assured of that.

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?👦

Yes, I've seen his channel on YouTube and I've watched him stream on Twitch.

What means of transport do you consider to be the safest? Why?

Depends on how much time is involved. Walking is probably the safest, but not very fast. Driving a car slowly (not above, say 25 MPH) is way safer than going faster. Flying is, statistically, one of the safest ways to travel, but is expensive and a hassle. It's also not good for short distances.

What scares you the most about our modern society?

Instant anonymous communication makes for some terrible social skills, which, in turn, makes people more likely to isolate into smaller in-groups. Smaller isolated groups become more radicalized, laying the groundwork for tyrants and the fall of societies.

What's the best place to go for a picnic with your friends?

I would suggest a park of some kind. Those tend to be good for that type of thing.

Do you like to try different things or amongst those who are scared to leave their comfort zone ?

My comfort zone is new experiences.

What are you hiding from most people?

I'm pretty open, but if I was hiding something why would I share it?

How fast can you finish XL bucket of popcorn?

Probably pretty quickly. I don't eat a lot of popcorn, but I tend to eat fast.

When’s the last time you had to step on a bug?

I don't think I've ever "had" to step on a bug, but the last time I did it was a couple of days ago.

What is the difference between a school and a college? Where is it better to study?

Schools, I typically think of as teaching a trade as opposed to learning a subject. It depends on what your goals are as to which is better.

What's been the best commercial you've seen?

Depends on how we define "best", at the very least. Like, did it get me to buy a product? (No, it didn't) Or are we talking one that made an impression for a brand? (that may have happened) Are we talking cinematically - well shot, edited, etc.


Language: English