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Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Like most "favorite" questions, it's not easy. I could make a list of the top ones, but I don't know that I have a single "best" character.

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What would you say if the whole world was listening to you?

Calm down, everyone. Hyperbole isn't useful in solving problems.

Do you know people with whom you want to improve contact, but can't?Why can't you?Who are these people?

Nope, I'm good with all that.

How do you prefer celebrating your birthdays?

A quiet day spent mostly to myself, some time with my family, and then a good night sleep.

What do you wanna be when you grow up

I've been a grown-up now for longer than I wasn't, so I hope I've figured that out by now.

When my friends or family have problems, they will seek me out for my advice to help solve a problem, someone to vent to, or to assist them when they are in financial need. I'm the fixer. But when I need the same (except financial help, I don't need that) Why is no one there for me? Idk how to react

Maybe because you are expecting them to do for you what you do for them in the same way. That's probably not one of their skills. You probably need to adjust your expectations for their ability to help you.

are you saving up for anything?

Not right now, but I am trying to manage expenses ahead of an upcoming vacation.

Have you ever felt unconditional love?

I don't believe that anything is unmotivated in some relevant context.

What's the difference between The Lion King and Bambi?

There is no letter B in The Lion King, but there are two in Bambi.

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

A yacht (with it's own de-desalination system), plenty of food for the duration, and enough fuel to run the ship while there and all the way back to port on the mainland.

What would you want the last thing you ever saw to be?

I don't want there to be a last thing I ever see, but if I had to pick something, it would be my family being happy.

What are your plans for today?

Probably do some work around the house, take a nap, maybe watch a movie.

Are you interested in psychology? 📘 or maybe something else?

Psychology is one of my interests.

Would you rather become a popular celebrity whom everyone hates or be a normal person whom everyone loves?

I don't think either is really achievable, but I'd rather be the latter.

Can I get married at fifty with little?

Sure, I don't see why not. All you need is a willing partner to marry.

A short relay: A daughter?or a son?? Cola?or Fanta?? By air✈or by land?? Mind?or beauty?? Apartment?or house?? Black◼or white◻? Strawberry?or banana?? Whale?or dolphins?? Анgel?or demon?? Sunny?☀or cloudy☁☔? Pass on to everyone you are following murr

Son (I have two and am one myself). Neither cola or Fanta, but Cola before Fanta. Land if I have time. Depends on what for. House. Black. Strawberry, but only if its just strawberries, I don't like 'flavored' things. Dolphins. Demons are fun. Mostly sunny.

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Liked by: Hussien Alhajje


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