

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Has your hometown changed a lot since you were a kid? If so, how? Have the changes been for the better or worse?

My hometown was smaller than it is now, but it's still not really big. Less green space and more developed in one part, and almost unchanged elsewhere. Overall, it's still pretty much the same place, but it's not really the same. It's like they say - you can never really go home again.

What are your summer plans this year?

Taking a vacation in August, but like most working stiffs I don't get summers off, so I'll be working most of the time.

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What is your favorite food ?

I don't know that I have one favorite food. Try as I might, I can't settle on one thing above all others.

Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

We aren't doing it any more, we just have more options to not stay in bad relationships. People used to have to stay in relationships that were well past being over because they had little other choice.

You have an opportunity to make one person absolutely happy, but not yourself. Who would it be?

Only one? Maybe my wife, because I can't pick just one of my kids, and one way to make my wife happy would be to have healthy and happy kids, so it would indirectly work for them too.

Are you mature or yet immature compared to your actual age?

Most people finish finish the majority of their maturation process some time in high school (according to Piaget). I think I am, and have continued, that process up till today, and further that process the longer I live.

Do you wish ask.fm had yellow as a color to choose from?

I mean, it would be nice, I guess. It's not really something I thought about.

If you had to choose between eating pizzas every day or being skinny for the rest of your life, what pizza would you choose?

Pizza's OK, but I don't think I'd want to live on it. I prefer sausage (slices, not crumbled), onion and extra cheese on mine, but I almost never get it that way because no one else wants it like that.


Language: English