

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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¿Porque buscan a alguien independiente si aun viven con sus padres?

Tal vez porque quieren que alguien más los cuide.

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Do you easily communicate with opposite gender people?

I don't have a hard time communicating with people of any sex or gender. Language and culture tend to be greater barriers to clear communication.

What are some things in life (can include your future wants/needs) that you will not compromise on and why?

There are no principles that I hold that are immutable, but there are some that are far harder to move than others. For example, free expression should always be allowed, but you could think up a very unlikely scenario where I would agree to curb it.

What's your favorite video game?

I don't know that I have an answer for that, or how I'd determine what my favorite is. Even if you narrowed the question to a genre and time frame it might be difficult to answer.

What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you donot love them back? ?

Neither one bothers me particularly.

How old is your oldest piece of clothes?

I have shirts that are, maybe 20 years old or more. I don't wear them that often or I've kept them to wear for painting or auto repair where I don't want to have to worry about ruining something.

What is the first video YouTube suggests you to watch today?

I don't know, I don't look at the home page but jump right to my subscriptions page.

When you meet someone,what's the first thing you look for?

I try and take in all of the visual shortcuts I will used to later identify them again.

It's Mother's Day! How will you show appreciation to her today?

I'll call my mom and wish her a happy Mothers Day.

What genre of video games do you play? I play action, adventure, racing, & rpgs.

Puzzle, mostly anymore. I really like FPS', adventure and RPG's, but I don't have time to really get into a game at all. I don't even feel like I have time for fighting games anymore (which don't have as much buy-in as the other genres mentioned).

Do you regret loosing you virginity? Do you think it was too early? Do you think he was/is worth it?

No, I don't think it was too early and it wasn't with a "he".

Do you have relatives at ask.fm ?

Not as far as I know. I have a big family so it's not unlikely.


Language: English