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What if every time you got mad or upset your body inflated like a balloon?

What is it with this inflation question? Over and over again. You know, they make porn for this fetish...

Who actually likes Priyanka and The Jonas brother’s marriage arrangement? I think it’s a business move , definitely not love .... definitely not

Reading this question took more effort than I put into understanding their relationship.
Liked by: AskIrelyn

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Have you ever tried to learn song lyrics by heart to impress your friends with singing long verses?

I have never tried to do it to impress friends.

What do you think - without what things would it be impossible to live in the world today? ?

The wheel.

What do you dream about right now?

I'm awake right now, so I'm probably not dreaming. Reading is one of those things that often doens't work when you're dreaming, so I wouldn't have been able to even figure out what this said if I was.

How do you feel about diets?

Odd or extreme diets are often miserable and unproductive if they have a goal in mind. But everyone is on one all the time, sometimes it's just more formal than others. A diet is just the things you eat.

I need advice, I want to tell this guy on tinder that I like him but I’m too scared to do it. Should I tell him or should I wait a little longer?

If you like him, tell him.

Are humans truly creative, or do they gain their ideas from prior observations?

Yes, and yes. Those are not mutually exclusive ideas. The only changes we routinely recognize are incremental. When too many things change at once, it looks like chaos or a mess.

Who's the person with the loudest laughter you know?

Probably me, though I don't laugh-laugh a whole lot. I have a voice that tends to project well.

Do you think that you are more good looking or more wise ? ?

I've always wanted to be the latter

Did you learn a musical instrument in your childhood? If yes, what was it?

I used to play the trumpet. I also learned the recorder, had lessons in piano and dabbled in the flute, violin and guitar. I don't know that I can play any of them anymore.

Do you feel annoyed about your parents' choices during elections? Do you even discuss it?

I grew up in a household where we watched Meet the Press and the McLaughlin Group during Sunday brunch and argued politics. I don't get annoyed with their choices because I know where they stand and why they stand there, even when I disagree.

What are you thinking about right now?!

I'm thinking about what I am thinking about right now.


Language: English