

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Would you rather go to Westworld or Jurrasic Park?

Jurassic Park was cool, but people get killed even before the park was open. Westworld took a little while before they started killing people. You know, I'd probably still pick JP. The tech in Westworld would eventually make it to market, but the dinosaurs would never be common.

Have you ever visited a place where it made an emotional impact on you? How did it make you feel?

I am an emotionless automaton, so no.

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Have people taken photoshopping too far? What do you think?

Too far for what? It's over used, and sometime used poorly, but I don't know if it's gone "too far".

Do you often forget to do something despite several reminders?

No. I have a good memory and my own responsibilities.

HELP!!!! Can anyone here teach a Mom how to play Fortnite so I can kick my smartass sons butt at this game, in front of all his friends?

You might as well ask if someone can teach you how to play the guitar well enough to beat him. It's a skill that takes time and practice to master. Play a lot to get better, there really isn't a short cut to it.

How much screen time is too much?

There are a lot of variables to that question. For a human or other creature? Age? Purpose of the screen time? Material consumed? Frequency? As an adult male in IT, I routinely spend up to 12 or more hours a day staring at screens.

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لا يترجم هذا السؤال جيدًا ، لذا لا يمكنني الإجابة عليه بصدق.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

Life is hard, so I must expect it to be hard. But my 2019 goals are hard too.

Have you ever had a secret worshipper?

If they were secret, I wouldn't have known about them, would I? I'm had some overt worshipers in my life though, so I can suppose there were some secret ones too.

How do you do to not stress yourself so much?

Stress requires focus. I don't dwell on things while they are happening, but treat them as another thing that happens in a day, and deal with it like anything else, good or bad.

Are there any images or quotes you have found you couldn't find the words to say yourself that says it all?

Not that says it all, but that well articulated an idea I had.

Which Twilight character are you?

I don't have a problem with the movies or books, but it certainly wasn't engaging enough to identify with any of the characters.

who should pay for college: you or your parents?? why?

Yes, both. Well, I'd be in favor of free college, as tuition increases have far outpaced inflation without a significant increase in the quality of the education.

What pain is harder for you: physical or spiritual?

There is no such thing as spiritual pain. Besides there not being a spirit, there is no definition of it that can experience pain within it's own definition.


Language: English