

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What song do you listen to when you're sad?

I don't really get sad that often. When I do, I don't really listen to music.

You ever feel like you haven't done enough in the day to allow yourself to sleep?

Oh heck no. I'll fall asleep while doing stuff if I can.

What's your fav food??

I don't think I have one. Even when I think of "what would I have for a last meal" scenario, I am not hardcore set on anything.

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Have you ever bought anything despite thinking it's way overpriced? What was it?

Yes, the wedding ring for my wife. She's certainly worth it, but those little rocks on it don't seem all that useful.

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

Do I have to take someone? I don't know that answer anymore - there was a time when I would have known. In a few years, I might know again (when my kids are older), but right now I can only think of travel in terms of either solo or family.

On scale from 1 to 10, how addicted to sweets are you?

I like them, but they aren't what I go for specifically (the only candy I typically eat is chocolate, and I prefer it dark and less sweet). Maybe a 2.5, with 1 being the least and 10 being most.

But when the light win the fight, can the love live forever!?

The idea of living includes the idea of dying, so it can't be "forever".

How many NFL seasons is from 2000 to 2013?

Brian Hammerbeck
Depends on how you count them. Are you counting the 99-00 season as one and the 13-14 season as one, or just ones from 00-01 to 12-13? Or 99-00 to 12-13/00-01 to 13-14?

Would you rather increase your intelligence or your charisma?

I'm already pretty high on both. I'd rather take dexterity, an area where I think I'm more average.

What did your life look like 10 years ago? @10YearChallenge

A lot like I do now, only thinner and with more, and less gray, hair.

who's your favorite South Park character ?

Stan Marsh is the one I most identify with, but Saddam Hussein was probably the funniest.

Do you dress to impress or keep your appearance low-key?

I'm more low key. I can impress and be low key too, but I'd rather have the option to blend in then stand out.

What’s your longest relationship?

Romantic relationship with another person what what I assume you mean. Then 13 years with my wife (10+ married).

what do i do to make myself happy ? plz advise

Stop worrying about being happy. Find a goal to pursue that will take a lot of time and effort to achieve, and you will find that working towards that goal will satisfy you, so long as you stay focused on it. Once you achieve that goal, find another thing to do.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?

I don't have an "always" to that question. It depends on who is asking and what they prefer or are in the mood for.

Where is the soul located within the man?

There is no evidence for what is traditionally thought of as a soul. However, the functions associated with it are from the brain.


Language: English