

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you think we should wory about the environment?

Always. But there are cost-benefit analysis to be done for everything we do.

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Is poetry dead? Who likes poetry anymore?

Poetry is alive and well, and most people still don't really care about it.

What's the most daring thing you ever did?

I quit my job and move to another state with just what I could take in my car. I didn't have a job or ever been to the state or city before I went either.

What color is your aura?

Green. No, rainbow sparkles. Um, if aura's are real, they aren't colored. If they were, they'd emanate on the visible spectrum and we'd all be able to see them.

Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

The mountains. They flood less and tend to have more trees.

What are your favorite nighttime activities? (Late night drives, bonfires, walks, etc.)

Sleeping. But if I have to be awake then sitting quietly and listening to the sounds of nature.

Do you give money to beggars? Why/why not?

Sometimes. There are places that I don't give them money (like on college campuses or at intersections), but I have given money to people and offered to buy people food before.

With a serious answer, What is happiness for you in the future? How would u be happy in life?

To do more of what I'm doing now, with maybe a little more sleep.

When was the last time you had craving for chocolate?

I don't really have cravings, but I had some chocolate earlier today.

What good romantic movie can you can suggest?

I can't. Romantic movies are a lie and set unrealistic expectations for relationships.


Language: English