

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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How to tell the difference between fake news and real news?

Real news is verifiable by other sources, particularly mainstream ones. Fake news tends to seem perfectly fit into an ideological perspective.

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Have you ever performed for an audience? What was this experience like?

Yes, several times in my life, and it was fine. I've never had much fear of speaking or performing for a crowd.

Who is your best friend for the moment and why?

Maybe my wife at this point. I spend the most time with her and talk to her the most. And I kinda like her a little bit.

What social media do your parents use?

My dad doesn't use anything, but Mom has a facebook and twitter (but doesn't know how to use either).

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

It would depend entirely on the circumstances. The five possessions I'd save from a house fire are different than the five items I'd take in a post apocalyptic world, or starting a new life after a personal tragedy.

Have you ever felt ashamed about your past?

Maybe, but I try and live by the "no regrets" philosophy, and reconcile my past with the idea that it might have been the best I could have done at the time, and always try and do the best I can now and in the future.

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

One that knew how to survive, like Les Stroud. One that was physically capable of performing manual tasks like Dwayne Johnson, and one person who was worth an almost unlimited budget to find safe and healthy, like Elon Musk.

If you could replace anything from your body,what would it be?😅

Right now, I think I'm good. Though a little more hair wouldn't go to waste, if I could only ever replace ONE thing, that wouldn't be what I'd use it on.

Would you rather face Conor McGregor in the octagon or listen to somebody scratching a plate with a fork for 2 hours straight?

Fork on a plate doens't really bother me, and I'd like to see how I'd do against McGregor. He's way faster than me, in way better shape and a far more seasoned fighter, but I know something about fighting and I'm twice his size and strength.

Are you afraid of heights?

A bit. I should say that I have an excessive adrenal response to them, but I don't know if it elevates to a full blown fear.

What’s the best activity on a snow day?

Napping. Or, drinking hot chocolate under a blanket watching the snow come down out the window. Or sled riding.
Liked by: Sarah Rose

How do you prefer watching movies - on TV, in the cinema or online? Why?

I prefer watching them at home on the TV. It's less expensive, I can pause/rewind (etc.) as I see fit, eat the snacks I want to and don't have to worry about strangers being too loud. I prefer to stream them from a streaming service if I don't have a copy of the movie already.

Do you like shopping? How much time can you spend on this?

I am not that into shopping, and I do as much of it online as I can. I go to stores to get something I need now (because something important broke).

Do you agree that you should never trust anyone who is rude to a waiter?

No, but it does give some insight into how they treat people. I don't know that it makes them untrustworthy.


Language: English