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How many times have you heard the words of someone close to you..? 🤔

Depends on a lot of things. How long I've known then, how much they talk, how often I see them, and how well I listen to them.

Is it too early to plan Xmas party at a elk loudge

It depends on how quickly they book for the holidays. It's not too early to start thinking about it, especially if it's a complicated affair.

What are/were the rules about using cell phones at your school?

My first cell was a Nokia 232, which I got a few years after I graduated. We didn't have rules about phones when I was in high school.

What’s the name of the cd cases that there are no prongs, the album art just slides in and the back is clear? Used for promotional singles

A CD sleeve.

What is circus? ?♂♂

a traveling company of acrobats, trained animals, and clowns that gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places.
"a circus elephant"
synonyms: carnival, big top, cirque
"the kids enjoyed the circus"
(in place names) a rounded open space in a city where several streets converge.
"Piccadilly Circus"
Unless you mean circumcision, in which case: https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/circumcised-vs-uncircumcised

What advice would you give to children today?

Work hard, be tough, you'll be as well off as you want to be. Be exceptional when you can. Don't look down on people no matter where they are. Challenge everything all the time - don't expect people to tell you everything or even as much as you need them to.

Is there something special you like to wear on Fridays?

Not "special", but I have a rotation of specific "Friday" shirts.

What's one thing you will never do?

I feel like I've answered this one recently, but I will give it another go. I will never touch my elbows together behind my back.

Do you love autumn?

Love is a strong word for an inevitability. I find enjoyable things about all seasons, but I find a few more things to like about fall.

What’s your zodiac sign? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who you’re not compatible with and it worked out?

I'm a Pisces. My longest relationships were with a Scorpio (3.5 years) and an Aries (been with over 12 years, married for the last 10).

Do you think you're often misunderstood?

Not that often. I try to be careful with what I say so that I am clear about what I mean.

Tell us about your first school crush!

I don't know if I can because I don't know how I would define that. I had some girls I really liked in my school when I was younger, but a HUGE crush in High School.

Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

I fell alseep on the floor of my room once - I just didn't make it into the bed.

So I called in sick this morning to work cuz I didnt feel rested enough. I played basketball yesterday and almost passed out cuz of heat and lack of water. Do you call in sick to work ? And do you feel guilty afterwards?

Jeremy Vaillancourt
I almost never call in sick for myself, but I did take last Friday off because my youngest kid had a fever. I never feel guilty for taking time off of work, but especially not when I need it.


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