

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Would you rather have your shirts always two sizes too big or one size too small?

Too big. I really don't like things too tight, especially around my neck. There are also things you can do to make big shirts look smaller, but nothing you can do to make small shirts actually bigger.

Where is the country which you want to go?

Under my feet. Now, if you mean visit, there are lots of places I'd like to visit.

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Are you blessed with people?

I'm not sure how to answer that. I have lots of people around me, and I assume some of them care about me and my well-being. I'm not a big fan of having a lot of people around me at one time though, so there's also that.

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?✌

Depends oh how long I'm stuck there. Les Stroud is who I'd want if I was only stuck for a short time. He's pretty resourceful and has survived (for at least a week) on his own in a variety of environments. If it was a longer period, I'd want someone who would be more "compatible" (but not my wife, because I wouldn't want my kids to be without both of their parents if I had to be stuck on an island).

Why is there a life jacket under the seat on an airplane, but not a parachute?

Because you can't jump out of a crashing jet plane. They aren't designed for it and move too fast. People skydive out of slower propeller engine planes. If you survive a plan crash in the ocean, you will need something to keep you afloat for the couple of days it will take to be rescued.

Another question, do you love pizza? If you do what is your favourite toppings to put on it? 😂😂💖

Pizza is OK. I like sausage and onions on my pizza, but I almost never get it that way.

Do you believe we are the only source of life in the universe? If yes, why?

Cosmic Keyblade
I don't think that the earth is the only place there is life in the universe. I don't even know if we are the only life in our solar system, let alone our galaxy.

How do you control you anger?

I try not to get angry. When I do, I try and step back from the trigger of my anger and re-assess if my anger is justified, and then try and determine if there is something useful I can do with it.

Do you use online dating apps? If so which ones

No, I think my wife might get mad at me for using dating apps.

Beach or mountain? And any favorite?

Mountain. I liked Mt Lemmon outside Tucson, and Silver Mountain in Idaho. I will say that the Outer Banks in North Carolina were also nice beaches.

Would you rather quit your idea or stick to it, if everybody is against it?

It depends on how important the idea is. If it's not a big deal, or I can be shown to be wrong, I have no problem changing. If it's something important (like pineapple on pizza) then I will stick to my guns till the end.

How do you get rid of stress and negative energy?

I de-stress by sleeping, working out, going for a walk, reading, sex, writing, or building something, to name a few of the ways. I get rid of negative energy by finding a ground.

What is your favorite place to meet friends?

There is a coffee shop in the downtown of the town over from where I live that's part of a chain, but it maintains the corner coffee shop feel. Very small town USA meets modern society.

Bikini or a one-piece swimsuit?

For me to wear? As a rather large, bald, fairly pasty GenX'er, I'd have to go with something more like "snowsuit". As for what other people want to wear? Whatever they feel like wearing.

Describe the boy/girl of your dreams!

There is a character limit on here, so I don't think it possible. So we'll just say my wife and call it a day.

What is your favorite restaurant? Where is it located?

I used to love casual dining restaurants like Applebees, Fridays and Chilli's, but I just don't eat out that much anymore.


Language: English